
Real People, Real Results.

Sami Manages Stage 4 Colon Cancer With A Meat Diet

My Colon Cancer Survival Story on a Meat-Only Diet   I am Sami from Japan. I am or was a terminal stage 4 colon cancer patient. A Carnivorous diet helped save my life. I’m writing this email because I would like to help people who have the same condition by sharing my story.   From Vegan to Carnivore: My Eating

Tabitha Chose Therapeutic Ketosis Over Standard Of Care Treatment On A Carnivore Diet

“My name is Tabitha, and I reside in the Lake Norman area, a suburb of Charlotte, NC. I’m 47, and I’ve been married for 25 years this month to my best friend and biggest supporter. I work full-time as a real estate asset manager.   I self-discovered I was pre-diabetic in 2014 at a “normal” weight after juicing and eating

David battled rare blood cancer and improved his quality of life on a carnivore diet

Dave’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet   Dave has always taken his health seriously. Dave says he never ate a lot of sugar and has always worked out. Dave was shocked when he was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer ten years ago that caused his body to produce too many red blood cells. Though Dave’s cancer is treatable, it

Florian is utilising a carnivore protocol as an adjuvant therapy to his cancer treatment

A Miracle Diet? How the Carnivore Diet Saved a Man’s Life from Stomach Cancer According to doctors, Florian should not be alive today. Florian is german and grew up eating what he describes as the healthier version of the “standard German diet.” He ate a lot of meat and vegetables and only a few processed foods, as most of his

Matt eliminated athlete’s foot and heartburn on a carnivore lifestyle

Before discovering the carnivore diet, Matt says his eating consisted of pizza, spaghetti, bread, and an addiction to Oreos. Matt says he didn’t have any significant health issues as you would expect from a forty-year-old eating the Standard American Diet. However, he did experience intense acid reflux and athlete’s foot, and he also noticed his moods were not completely stable.

German Shepherd diagnosed with cancer thriving on carnivore diet

Tiber’s Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Decision   Corinne, mom of a lovable 6-year-old German shepherd, got the kind of news every pet parent dreads: Tiber had colon cancer, and the vet believed it was incurable. Faced with this terrible news, Corinne and her family had a decision to make.   Would they proceed with surgery and cancer treatments to extend

Trudy lost weight, and came off medications on a carnivore diet

The Struggle to Lose Weight and Health Issues Along the Way Shortly after we were married, my husband and I found out we were already expecting our first baby. I wasn’t really “overweight”, but I wasn’t thin either. I weighed about 140. I’m 5’ 5”.   I gained nearly 90 lbs during my pregnancy. Don’t know why, I just did.

John lost weight, improved his pain and skin on a carnivore diet

A Career of Swashbuckling and Struggle   I have had a very unique career. I was a sword-fighting comedian who performed more than four thousand shows in sixteen countries around the world at Renaissance festivals and USO shows. I have done stunts in live stunt shows and have generally abused my body.   This, I thought, was the cause for

Jenny free of breast cancer, better mood and energy on carnivore diet

Jenny’s Journey to Beating Cancer with a Carnivore Diet   At one time, doctors had told Jenny her aggressive form of breast cancer would likely claim her life in about a year’s time. She shares her triumphant story of beating that cancer and how following a carnivore diet has helped her along that journey.   Why Jenny Switched to a

Anastacia healed bulimia on a carnivore diet

This is a glance at my life story, particularly my history of disordered eating. I am grateful to have found this meat heals site, and I think this is the right place to share in hopes of inspiring others to give this WOE a try. As someone who suffered throughout childhood and most of my adult life with body image

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