Back pain & spine

Real People, Real Results.

Lauri Is Pain-Free At 69 On The Carnivore Diet

From the time I was very young, I remember my extremities hurting if someone would grab me by the arm or jump on my legs. I believe now, from what I’ve learned, that I have primary lipedema and possibly mild lymphedema.   I was a normal weight in high school (somewhat plump preadolescent), weighing 127 or so, having a very

Eric healed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, migraines, arthritis on carnivore lifestyle

From Vegetarianism to Carnivore Diet   Eric has struggled with food allergies and sensitivities for most of his life. Eric tried to follow the vegetarian diet for almost ten years, but the diet wreaked havoc on his body. Over time, Eric learned he is allergic to eggs and sensitivities to many vegetables and grains.   Eric is a farmer and

Heather healed digestion, sciatica, and joint pains and reduced MS on a carnivore diet

Heather’s Struggles with Mal de Debarquement Syndrome and Obesity   Heather’s life and health have entirely changed since adopting the carnivore lifestyle. Heather has struggled with a rare ailment called mal de debarquement syndrome (MS) since 2010.   Heather says many people with this particular syndrome get it after being on a cruise ship, but the onset was spontaneous for

Nicklas healed his back pain on a carnivore diet

Niklas’ Journey to Healing with the Carnivore Diet   Niklas lives in Sweden and uses the carnivore diet to heal his body from debilitating back pain. At the young age of nineteen, Niklas began experiencing some minor pain in his lower back. He says, “At first, I thought it was just something that would go away.”   He didn’t think

Huw head pain from multiple injuries on a carnivore lifestyle

Childhood and Early Adulthood   Even though Huw lived in Texas, an area filled with cattle, as a child, he did not eat a single steak until he was well into his twenties. Huw has been a sportsman for most of his life and was taught carbohydrates are vital to having the energy to play sports and perform highly physical

Matthew lost weight, gained more energy and no more back pain on a carnivore diet

Discovering the Carnivore Diet   Matthew had been struggling with depression and a lack of motivation. He heard about the carnivore diet through his uncle, who had faced similar struggles and decided to try it for himself. Together, they have had incredible success!   “My uncle was sharing the benefits of a carnivore diet that he was experiencing, and it

Elliott healed hyperthyroidism, his rare auto immune disease, reduced medication on a carnivore diet

From Traditional Bodybuilding Diet to Carnivore Diet Elliott was a competitive bodybuilder for over 31 years, from the ages of 17 to 45, and continues to train in his fifties. Leaving behind a traditional bodybuilding diet for a carnivore diet has helped him surpass his fitness goals, recover from major spinal surgery, heal from hyperthyroidism, and resolve a lifelong autoimmune

David resolved his sleep apnea on a carnivore diet

Overcoming Addiction and Healing with a Meat-Based Diet   David struggled with alcohol addiction for many years, but six years ago, he decided to reclaim his health and became sober. This decision gave David the discipline to follow a meat-based diet and heal from back pain, acid reflux, obesity, and sleep apnea.   The Cognitive Benefits of a Carnivore Diet

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