David resolved his sleep apnea on a carnivore diet

Overcoming Addiction and Healing with a Meat-Based Diet


David struggled with alcohol addiction for many years, but six years ago, he decided to reclaim his health and became sober. This decision gave David the discipline to follow a meat-based diet and heal from back pain, acid reflux, obesity, and sleep apnea.


The Cognitive Benefits of a Carnivore Diet


In his early sixties, David noticed his cognitive functions were in decline. He attributes the change to a statin drug his doctor prescribed to lower his blood pressure. “I wondered if I should see a neurologist because my cognition was so impaired,” David recalls.


“I heard a podcast that described how statin drugs can block cholesterol to the brain and cause cognitive issues. I immediately told my doctor that I didn’t care if I died of a heart attack; I don’t want to live with dementia for any bit of my life if I don’t have to!”


While listening to various podcasts and searching for alternative ways to lower his cholesterol without drugs, David learned about the carnivore diet. For him, it was an easy decision! “I always said if I could find a diet that allows me to eat steak, bacon, and deviled eggs, that’s a diet I can stay on!” Hearing more about the healing effects of meat from Dr. Shawn Baker and Michaela and Jordan Peterson, David says he knew he was ready to dive in.


Healing from Sleep Apnea and Back Pain with Meat


In addition to losing 47 pounds, David was thrilled to heal from obstructive sleep apnea. Before a meat-based diet, David had to use a CPAP machine to keep his airway open at night. When he was first tested, he stopped breathing 30 times per hour, preventing him from deep sleep.


“I couldn’t go anywhere without that machine for 16 years,” he shares. David no longer needs his CPAP machine, as his doctor found no signs of sleep apnea at his last check-up! “She said that I look as clear as I can be! I haven’t needed to use the machine for months now, and I sleep like a baby.”


Just over a year and a half into his carnivore journey, David is thrilled to play golf again now that his back has improved. “I’ve had lower back pain and bulging discs for years. I had to receive steroid injections for the pain. But right away, my back felt better on a carnivore diet, and I have much less pain from day to day.”


Convincing Skeptical Family and Friends about the Benefits of a Meat-Based Diet


David had always been skeptical about the relationship between diet and health issues. It wasn’t until he started to heal on a carnivore diet that he realized the connection between them.


In the beginning, David had a tough time convincing his family and friends that a meat-based diet could have so many health benefits, but over time, he’s been able to help many people discover their unique healing journey.


Finding Success with a Flexible Approach to a Carnivore Lifestyle


David’s approach to a carnivore lifestyle may not be as strict as others, and he admits he has started and stopped several times. His acid reflux returns with a vengeance when he veers off track and consumes too many carbs.


He says, “It helps to remember that the next thing I eat can be the right thing.” Sticking to beef and pork helps him feel his best, and incorporating intermittent fasting has helped with his sugar cravings. His advice for newcomers? “Come for the diet; stay for the health benefits!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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