Autoimmune issues

Real People, Real Results.

Jason improved Ankylosing Spondylitis on carnivore diet

I don’t normally do this, but my experience so far with carnivore has been so powerful and LIFE CHANGING that maybe this could be inspiring towards others. So Many Allergies   I started this diet as a 30-day challenge on 1/1/20 after reading The Carnivore Diet in late 2019. Around the same time, I did a food allergy test, and

Tracy improved her mental health, eczema, and asthma on a carnivore diet

Tracy’s Journey to a Meat-Based Diet   Tracy, 49, began her health journey four years ago when she and her husband adopted a ketogenic diet after he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and wanted to explore managing his condition with diet instead of a handful of medications.   “I went along for the ride as the supportive wife,” she

Deidre’s psoriasis has cleared up, hair growing thicker on a carnivore diet

Discovering The Carnivore Diet: Deidre’s Journey To Finding The Right Diet For Her Hormonal Issues   In just two months, Deidre has found success following a carnivore diet 90% of the time. “This journey has been amazing!” she shares. “I’ve already lost 12 pounds, but more than that, my body composition has changed. The scale isn’t moving as much, but

John improved hypothyroidism and inflammation on a carnivore diet

From Exercise Freak To Carnivore Convert: John’s Journey To Optimal Health   John was always aware of the importance of diet and exercise to maintain his health, but it wasn’t until he started a carnivore diet 21 months ago that he truly discovered his best health. (His photos show his progress from the first 18 months, 30 lbs lost!)  

Dawn reversed her osteoarthritis and menopause symptoms on a carnivore diet

Struggling with Weight and Osteoarthritis Diagnosis   I have always struggled with my weight. At aged nine, I was put on a 1000-calorie-a-day diet, the first of many attempts to be a healthy weight. In my twenties, I was told I had a binge eating disorder and that I should never try to restrict what I ate as this would

Mark improved body composition, and auto immune condition on carnivore diet

I am a 58 year old chiropractor who has been in practice for 33 years.  My wife and I started the carnivore diet on September 1, 2018 as a 30 day experiment.  At the end of the month we decided to continue.  Why give up on improved body composition, the end of autoimmune rashes and allergies, better performance in the gym,

Katya improved digestion, bladder and kidney pain on a carnivore diet

Katya’s Journey into Raw Veganism and Health Problems   My name is Katya. Basically, I was a Raw Vegan and pioneer of the lifestyle in Australia some 20 years ago. I opened the first Raw and living foods cafe, way ahead of its time, then went on to teach classes, programs and run retreats.    I have a background in

Trudy lost weight, and came off medications on a carnivore diet

The Struggle to Lose Weight and Health Issues Along the Way Shortly after we were married, my husband and I found out we were already expecting our first baby. I wasn’t really “overweight”, but I wasn’t thin either. I weighed about 140. I’m 5’ 5”.   I gained nearly 90 lbs during my pregnancy. Don’t know why, I just did.

Bechelli improves arthritis on a carnivore diet

A Rude Awakening   For Bechelli, a severe and sudden attack of pain and swelling in her right hand rudely awakened her one morning. She could hardly move her hand. Perhaps all the arthritis in her body had moved into her hand, she thought. “It felt like somebody had smashed it with a brick”, she said. She used her left

Katja improves bipolar, ADHD, Aspergers, arthritis on carnivore diet

Traditional Treatment Methods Failed   Katja started the carnivore diet in December of 2018 and believes that it saved her life.   Her depression and anxiety levels had reached a severe level. She feared losing her job due to repeated long-term absences. She became a recluse and wasn’t able to leave her home. She disliked being around people or getting

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