Paola improves joint pain, connective tissue disorder on carnivore diet

Paola is in her forties and has been following the Carnivore Diet for a year and a half. She has noticed a dramatic improvement in a short amount of time. Three days after going “full carnivore,” her chronic joint pain completely disappeared. A few weeks later, her previously injured wrist and ankle finally healed after a year of no improvement.


The Carnivore Diet: A Solution To Chronic Joint Pain


Before starting the Carnivore Diet, Paola had been following a Paleo Diet for nine years. She avoided processed food, grains, and sugar. However, she experienced debilitating pain in her right hip that made walking and getting in and out of her car difficult.


“The pain was increasingly getting worse. It was getting so bad I was pretty sure that I would have to have a hip replacement surgery.”


Looking back, Paola believes the pain was brought on by a diet high in oxalates, a naturally occurring compound found in leafy greens and legumes.


With a hip replacement becoming more and more of a possibility, she knew she had to make a change. Paola’s hip pain was almost completely gone within the first few days of going Carnivore and has not returned since.


Another drastic improvement was how Paola felt when she woke up in the morning. For years, she suffered from stiffness and pain throughout her whole body when she first got out of bed in the morning. She had just assumed that was part of the normal course of aging. However, just a few days into following the Carnivore Diet, this morning’s stiffness completely disappeared.


The Benefits Of Switching To A Carnivore Diet


As Paola continued on the Carnivore Diet, she noticed old injuries to her wrist and ankle finally healed, something that had been plaguing her for over a year. She had been diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder, and while she still experiences fatigue, she feels that many of those symptoms have shown improvement since she began the diet.


“After I went carnivore, within a few weeks, the pain was markedly improved, and now a year and a half later, it’s now completely fine!”


For 20 years, Paola suffered from allergies in the summertime, including sneezing, itchy eyes, and mucus buildup. While she had at one time successfully treated the allergies with acupuncture, they ended up returning a year before she went Carnivore. She fully expected them to come back that summer, but she was pleasantly surprised to remain symptom-free.


Healing Old Injuries And Overcoming Allergies With Carnivore Diet


“There were no allergy symptoms. I had no allergies at all that summer!” Other improvements Paola has enjoyed since choosing the Carnivore Diet are improved sleep and higher energy levels. Most of all, she is grateful to be free of her previously debilitating joint pain!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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