Marina heals from pms on a carnivore diet

Marina’s Struggle With PMS Symptoms


Marina is a Pilates instructor from Russia who credits the Carnivore Diet for healing her PMS symptoms, rosacea, and fatigue. She grew up eating a lot of meat and animal fats but eventually caved into the pressure to add whole grains and olive oil.


The trouble started after she gave birth to her son at age 28. For over a week each month, Marina would experience excruciating PMS symptoms, including severe mood swings and fatigue.


“Those 11 days were really interfering with my physical and emotional well-being. I was actually feeling old because my whole life was being thrown for 11 days at a time.”


Carnivore Diet As A Remedy For Marina’s Health Issues


This continued for six years until she sought help from her doctor. Natural remedies didn’t work, and her physical well-being continued to deteriorate. Marina’s doctor advised her that hormone replacement therapy may be needed, but Marina decided not to go that route.


After trying the Paleo Diet, Marina eliminated sugar and grains but still included leafy green vegetables. She increased her animal fat intake and noticed a significant change in her energy levels and relief from her PMS symptoms.


“I was a happier and more stable version of myself. I didn’t lash out at my son, and the month would go by, and I no longer had those eleven days of PMS symptoms.” She passed her Pilates exam that she had been working towards and stayed with her diet for eight months.


From Paleo To Keto To Carnivore


As time passed, Marina transitioned over to a keto diet but found herself struggling. “I found that I was going heavy with dairy and nuts while doing the keto diet, and that really wasn’t a good thing for me. I couldn’t find the ratio between carbs, fiber, and fats, so I ended up overdoing it.”


Healing From Rosacea And Other Issues With Carnivore


During her son’s hockey games, Marina began to develop frostbite and symptoms of rosacea. She noticed that dairy seemed to make her rosacea worse. “My rosacea was painful, so I started learning more and more about being a carnivore, and within three weeks, the rosacea was completely gone!”


Marina no longer gets breakouts and finds that adding butter does seem to help symptoms subside.


Benefits Of The Carnivore Diet For Marina


Another added benefit is that most people think Marina looks younger than her 37 years.


“It’s my lifestyle, I’m feeling great! My daily routine is quite busy. I wake up early and only need about 5 hours of sleep. I have great workouts and plenty of energy.”


Marina’s Busy And Energized Lifestyle With Carnivore


Marina’s gut issues have healed since following the Carnivore Diet. “I don’t feel like reaching out for anything but steak, butter, and bone marrow, now!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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