Milian heals hemorrhoids on a carnivore diet

Milian is a 28-year-old computer programmer from Bosnia & Herzegovina. He implemented a carnivore diet to address several health concerns that plagued him for years.

“For the past five years, my health was in a constant state of decline,” Milian shares. While he didn’t have a lot of sugar in his diet, he consumed a lot of carbohydrates and very little fat. “My main meals consisted of potatoes, polenta, cheese, green beans, eggs, and chicken breasts.”

Before adopting a carnivore diet, Milian had a slew of health issues that continued to worsen over the years. He struggled to breathe easily with constant upper respiratory tract inflammation and experienced frequent heart palpitations and dizziness. He suffered from frequent ear infections, tooth decay, and bad breath.

Milian’s skin was in poor condition as well. “I had eczema in my ears and a skin rash on my back.” It was clear that Milian’s body had multiple signs of inflammation, which also showed up as digestive issues. “I had upper stomach pain, pain in my lower left abdomen, and too much abdominal gas.” Constant constipation led to frequent “third-degree and fourth-degree hemorrhoids.”

Milian’s mother had lost a kidney due to complications from kidney stones, so he was very concerned when he developed kidney stones himself. He knew he had to make some drastic changes, or he could end up in a similar situation.

Milian eventually underwent surgery on his nose (septoplasty) to resolve his upper respiratory tract inflammation. Unfortunately, the procedure failed to fix the issue, so he looked elsewhere for answers.

“I began exploring the hypothesis that something called ‘silent reflux’ was causing my respiratory issues.” He read the book “Heartburn – Fast Tract Digestion” by Norm Robillard. “The author believes that the main cause of gastrointestinal problems is due to gas pressure building inside our bowels. The gas is created by bacteria eating carbohydrates through the process of fermentation.”

Milian believed eating food with low fermentation potential would help reduce abdominal gas. He had some results adjusting his diet per the book’s advice, but not as significant as he had hoped.

At first, Milian had reservations about limiting his diet to all animal products. “I was afraid of too much fat, cholesterol, and potential mineral, vitamin, and fiber deficiencies on an all-meat diet. I was still very skeptical, but in my research, I found information from Dr. Shawn Baker and Benjamin Bikman. It got me thinking about our ancient past as humans.”

Milian says his mental and physical condition significantly improved about two months into mainly eating meat and eggs. “Only my upper respiratory tract inflammation didn’t go away completely, but now it is manageable. All of my other issues are gone! My biggest surprise was that I had no more problems with hemorrhoids. I was about to go to surgery for them.”

No longer a skeptic and on the path to healing, Milian is ready to share the power of a carnivore diet. “I will share my experience with anyone I can!”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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