Mary improved her autoimmune issue and diabetes on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Mary. I am a 59-year-old female.


Mary’s Stats


Diet: Standard American Diet


Weight: 230 lbs


Health issues:

  • Dyslipidemia
  • Atherosclerotic coronary disease (CAC score: 99)
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Pre-diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Gout: right great toe
  • Autoimmune Inflammatory conditions
  • Anxiety
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Neuropathy due to peroneal nerve entrapment after left knee replacement
  • 3 Anti-hypertension medications
  • One thyroid medication
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Anxiety medication
  • Limited ability to walk any distance due to arthritis.
  • Limited ability to stand longer than 5 minutes due to neuropathy.
  • I started my carnivore eating in the 90-day Carnivore Challenge in August 2017.

My weight after 90 days: 192 lbs


Getting Fatter Dieting


I have tried so many ways of eating, from Weight Watchers to Nutrisystem to Jenny Craig to Low Fat. I just got fatter and fatter. I was put on more and more blood pressure medication.


I had more and more arthritis, swelling, and pains. One knee joint was so bad I had a knee replacement. That set off another series of inflammatory issues and more health issues. Sad indeed.


Then, The Carnivore Diet, WOW!


I followed the Autoimmune Protocol diet to resolve my AI Hepatitis after my knee replacement. I also tried the ketogenic way of eating, but it wasn’t until I only ate meat did my issues start to change. And wow, did they change dramatically! I am no longer on any antihypertensive medications.


I take 1/2 of my thyroid medication every other day. No more joint pain in the knees, fingers, hips, or great toe, so I am no longer taking any anti-inflammatory medications. My anxiety dramatically improved. I can walk long distances again. My left lower leg no longer goes numb. I can actually stand without worrying about falling or stumbling when I walk.




My post-Carnivore 90 Day blood work showed some improvements in a few of the lipids.


A1C level:

7/17/2017 – 5.9

11/17/2017 – 5.1

I am no longer pre-diabetic. I am tracking the dyslipidemia and coronary calcification. I will have additional testing for both next August.

I will continue to eat meat, drink water, coffee, and an occasional wine. 


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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