Ken improved sleep, treated addiction, anorexia, fatigue on carnivore diet

My experience with Carnivore has been such a surprise to my mental health. I did not expect that. I hoped it would help with my physical appearance.


Struggling With Depression And Anorexia


I am 44 years old. Last summer, I went on a summer camping trip. I looked at the pictures after the trip and felt sad and discouraged. I had man boobs, a gut, no definition in my arms, and it showed in my face too. I had low energy and strength. I started to wonder, is this it? Middle age? The unavoidable continual decline of my T levels?


This set me in a depression. I have battled depression My whole Life. It has been severe. At 21, on a church mission, I experienced anorexia. I am 240 pounds now. I hit a low of 148 pounds then.


I returned home and began 18 years of alcoholism. The alcohol brought me some relief from the mental states that made the anorexia so severe. The anorexia disappeared, but alcohol brought too many problems with it. I also sought help from antidepressants. There was a decade of my life where I tried, I believe, 14 different medications.


They did not work, and some had terrible side effects. I swore off antidepressants forever when in early sobriety, the pharmacy said my monthly bill would be over 1000$ for 30 pills.


Searching For A Solution


One night, with a gift from Heaven, my friend told me about a diet he was doing.


He was in great shape, full of energy.


I was open to change. That very night, I went home and ate my first carnivore meal. I went all in, 100% strict, no cheating for 1-1/2 weeks straight. I slept better and felt more energy. The biggest surprise of all was that soul-crushing depression and anxiety faded almost entirely away.

The “bottom” of the darkness was raised up to levels I could manage.


Stricter The Diet, Better The Results


The stricter I am, the better the results.


I also add 10,000 IU vit D/day (max safe upper limit for men) and 3000 or more mg DHA. (It is winter time, and I suffer from SAD).


Maintaining Overall Health And Sobriety


I am sober now with several years of sobriety in a twelve-step program. I have found that I must do much more than I thought I would have to do to keep myself healthy Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically, but it IS ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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