Jón improved mood and mental health on a carnivore diet

I was asked by the man that really started the carnivore movement in Iceland to share my story.


My Younger Years Being Big


Then, let’s begin at the beginning. My name is Jón Jakobsson. I am 48 years old and from Iceland. I have always been fat. When I was a kid, I was fat until I discovered Judo, and then I got massive – huge, not fat, but powerful – and that lasted about 10 years or until I blew out my back. I had to undergo surgery for a slipped disk in my lower back.


Blowing Up


The thing is I gave up Judo, but I did not stop eating like a competitive athlete, and it went out of control. When I was practicing Judo, I was 120-130 kilos and had a very little fat on me, I could eat about 12-15,000 calories per day, and still ate like that after I had given up the sport.


Too Big For Surgery


One of my worst days was when my weight got to 183 kilos my blood pressure was too high, and my sugar levels were as well. My doctor decided to send me to a weight program clinic for 6 weeks.


There I was taught that you could eat everything but in smaller portions and do that about 6 times a day. I have to mention that this program is mostly for people that are going to go for the GASTRIC BYPASS surgery.


I spoke to the head doctor of this program (he actually was my home physician before he became the head doctor of this program) about the possibility of if I should go for this surgery, but the doctor said NO. He told me that I had top large of a frame, and this would not be good for me. I really was relieved that he said that.


Some Weight Went Off


So, after this program I got down to 140-150 kilos, and my sugar levels normalized and now I thought, well I’m on the right way, but NO, the last few years I have been around 160 kilos and still taking high blood pressure meds.


Taking Medication


4 years ago, my sugar levels got too high again and my doctor put me on pills (Glucophage). It started at 1 pill twice a day, and I ended up taking 3 pills twice a day.


I tried to stop eating sugar and lost 7 kilos, but all for naught and finally last year I got an extra pill (Januvia) to take once a day on top of the Glucophage and the doctor wanted me to try this for one month.


Hearing About Carnivore


So now we get to the part why I’m telling you my story, the date is 4 January 2018, I have a new doctor and he is young had heard about this “diet” (I personally don’t like to call it a diet) called carnivore diet from a friend of mine that had tried it out for a month before Christmas.


Help From My Doctor


I went to my doctor and told him about this and he was a little sceptic but said ok to try this out. At that time I’m 154 kilos sugar levels about 10 mmol/L. My doctor wanted a thorough blood test, and that was scheduled later that same month.


Starting The Meat Eating


So, I started to eat meat and lots of meat. I went for the blood test on 30 of January a week later the doctor phoned me and told me that my sugar levels where down to 8.4 mmol/L everything else was good.


Me and my doctor decided to lower my sugar meds to 2 pills a day as I was only eating once a day (I did not need to eat more). I was feeling good in my body, full of energy, and my aches in my knees were gone (I always thought my knee aches were associated with years of practicing Judo). So, I continued with eating meat.


Ditching The Meds


Last week I ran out of Glucophage and as I knew that I had a doctor’s appointment today I wanted to experiment a little and skip them until I would see the doctor. Now I went to the doctor this morning and the first thing he said to me was, you lost some weight.


I went directly to the scale and stepped on it 141 kilos. He measured my blood sugar levels with a little blood drop from my finger, 7.3 mmol/L and blood pressure 138/80.


Happy Patient, Confused Doctor


So, I was happy about this and so was my doctor, and he is still a little confused that this happens by only eating meat. We talked about what to do next, he said that the next step is a thorough blood test where they will measure long term sugar levels. He also said that I should stop taking Glucophage at least until after the result of the blood test.


And that’s that, I hope you guys can forgive this long ranting, but as a closing I only have to say MEAT HEALS.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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