John improved his diabetes and cardio vascular health on carnivore diet

John’s Struggle with Diabetes 

Dear Dr. Baker and Team,


I’m writing with excitement and gratitude to share my 30-day results from taking on the Carnivore Challenge.


As of December 31, 2019, I was a 60-year-old male, having been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in 1998 (diabetes has run in my family for generations). 


Over the years, my symptoms escalated to include high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, neuropathy, and heart arrhythmias. I ended up on six prescription medications, including long-acting and fast-acting insulin. 


My weight ballooned, I felt exhausted all the time, and I was advised to undergo two cardiac surgeries to correct arrhythmias, including ablation surgery—all despite increasing dosages of medications.


I opted for the Carnivore Diet instead. 


How Carnivore Improved John’s Health


As of January 31, 2020, I am aging backward (please see photos below)! My weight has dropped from 237 lbs to 213 lbs. I am completely off fast-acting insulin (Novalog), which happened on the first day of switching to the carnivore diet!


I had been on 70 units per day. I have lowered my long-acting insulin (Tresiba) from 26 units a day down to 12 units, and the countdown continues. My blood glucose level is averaging 70-90mg/dL, whereas it had been in the 230-250mg/dL range. 


My cardiologist has taken me off Eliquis completely and cut the beta-blocker dosage (Metoprolol) by a third. My blood pressure is also normalizing, and I am hopeful that they will be lowering the dosage of Losartan soon. 

The doctors have reversed their recommendations for heart surgeries based on an echocardiogram stress test I just took. 


I have increased vitality, am exercising for the first time in years, and feel so much better. Best of all, I am no longer addicted to sugar! 


Miracles happen, and God answers prayers. I am optimistic that I will be free of diabetes and off medications. 


Thank you so much for getting the carnivore message out there and creating the community to provide the support needed for people like me. 

God has given me a new lease on life through all that you and your team do, for which I am forever grateful. 





Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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1 thought on “John improved his diabetes and cardio vascular health on carnivore diet”

  1. It is really quite astonishing to me that the average joe thinks that this sort of medical intervention as described in this post makes is perfectly OK and the only avenue for healing. Obviously John got the picture. Congratulations, John.

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