Irina overcame candida infection, vitamin D deficiency, and vasculitis on a carnivore diet

Irina’s Struggle with Various Ailments


Irina struggled with many different ailments before she found the carnivore diet. She had Candida, IBS, a vitamin D deficiency since birth, bleeding gums, vasculitis that manifested when she was a teenager, PCOS, chronic inflammation, and exercise-induced asthma.


Her doctors told her, “This is just how it is; some people are just affected by these things.” Irina was in her mid-20s and didn’t want to accept this, so she tried to approach her problems with nutrition.


Before starting her carnivore diet, Irina tried a vegetarian, pescatarian, veggie, and meat combination diet and keto. The keto diet caused her to gain weight and have digestive problems. She thinks now that it was because she ate too many nuts and nut products and veggies with fiber.


All that fiber gave her painful bloating. Also, she never felt satisfied and had to eat constantly throughout the day.


None of these diets helped her with various ailments. She continued to have IBS, joint pain from inflammation (swollen ankles or knees), asthma with lots of coughing when she exercised, a cyst on her ovary, Candida flares, chronically low vitamin D, gums that bled when she flossed, and vasculitis.


Dealing with her candida flares, the PCOS, and her other conditions came to a head when Irina was 31. She became “fed up with doctors just trying to give me medication.”


Irina’s Decision to Try the Carnivore Diet


She believes that the body is designed to be healthy, and she was doing something that prevented it from working properly. “I just wanted to find what it was.” At this point, she decided to try the carnivore diet because she “was already kind of a hot mess.”


About two months before she did, Irina’s husband started the diet. She saw his eczema clear up, and this made an impression. In May 2020, her husband showed her Dr. Baker’s podcast with Joe Rogan, and she thought, “I have to try this. I have nothing to lose.”


Irina’s Experience on the Carnivore Diet


Irina says she gets full and eats less than before. She enjoys eggs and bacon or natural sausage for lunch and various types of meat for dinner—pork, cheaper cuts of beef for slow-cooking, lamb, liver once a week, and sometimes chicken thighs. She enjoys the simplicity of the carnivore diet because there are few ingredients, and meals are easy to prepare.


Irina now exercises about four days per week, doing weight training and high-intensity workouts without asthma, joint pain, or swelling and with faster recovery.


Irina’s Health Improvements After the Carnivore Diet


An ultrasound at the end of 2020 revealed that the cyst on her ovary was gone. There are no signs of inflamed capillaries from vasculitis, she doesn’t have IBS, no Candida flares, her dentist told her she has healthy gums—they never bleed anymore—and a blood test showed normal vitamin D levels, without any supplementation.


Since going on her carnivore diet, she “hasn’t had a single recurrence of any of this stuff. It’s like a magic cure.”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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