Douglas improved digestion and treated ulcerative colitis on carnivore diet

Douglas’ Struggle with Ulcerative Colitis


Douglas was suffering from ulcerative colitis, a debilitating autoimmune gastrointestinal disease. He saw his strength wane and said, “I was literally withering away when I was sick.” He was heavily medicated for the condition, saying “ I was on 4 pills of Lialda, 40mg of prednisone, suppositories, and 6mp (the low dose chemo)” and yet Douglas wasn’t making any progress.


Frustration with Conventional Treatment


He felt frustrated because he had been following his doctors’ advice and yet was not healing. Douglas felt like life had become very grim and notes, “doctors were telling me there was really nothing more they can do except surgery.” He was trying to manage his diet to find some relief from his illness while dealing with these difficult options and the fact that surgery for ulcerative colitis frequently involves an ileostomy bag.


The Failure of a Vegan Diet


While many people advocate for the health benefits of dietary fiber, the truth is that it often creates an inflammatory situation in the gut. Douglas says that for six months, “I was on the vegan train to try to heal my colitis that was putting such a stop to my life” but it didn’t help. Like many people, Douglas learned that humans often can’t digest plant foods well.


The Discovery of the Keto Diet


He found the keto diet and began eating that way, incorporating some vegetables to try to help his gut bacteria. Douglas’ meals evolved so that he “started making my plates meat and fermented vegetables.” He was still looking to hit one out of the park and find remission of his ulcerative colitis but didn’t quite get that much result. It did help, though, as he says “I found relief but it wasn’t like it is today.”


The Decision to Go 100% Carnivore


Douglas’ doctors had still been encouraging him to include plant-based foods, and he decided this strategy was a clear failure. “I went back listening to these idiots saying I need greens and didn’t feel right doing that.” Having finally reached a point in his life when he was ready to make a full commitment to a completely new way of eating, he had accepted the reality that “The colitis stopped me from living my life.” With that somber realization, Douglas says “I made the decision to go 100% carnivore.


The Carnivore Diet Saved Douglas’ Life


“The carnivore diet saved my life and I have never felt better.” Douglas had begun to figure out the diet that would work, saying “Happy I made the connection earlier on my own.” Seeing Dr. Baker on the Joe Rogan show was a clincher, and he says “once I came across Shawn Baker on the Joe Rogan podcast I went full speed on the carnivore diet and loving it.” 


Douglas now wishes more people knew about the carnivore diet, saying, “I have never felt better, looked better, or felt stronger. Please feel free to use this testimonial to show the success of the carnivore diet for other people suffering from ulcerative colitis because this story is not anecdotal and I have the labs to prove it.”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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1 thought on “Douglas improved digestion and treated ulcerative colitis on carnivore diet”

  1. Hi there may not be a way to get in touch with Douglas. I hope he is still doing well, I’m sure he is.

    Can I ask, how well did your body react to just meat and fermented veggies? I ask this because I have tried that (albeit for a short time) and still had symptoms. If it was the switch from that to full carnivore (rather than from vegan to keto/carnivore), that would be truly insipiring! Any more details about what foods you were/are eating on carnivore that put you into remission would be so helpful, for both me and anyone reading this.

    Thank you!
    Best wishes,

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