Cobus improves weight loss, hepatomegaly, and insomnia on a carnivore diet

Cobus is 45 years old and has been following a carnivore diet for six months. In that short period of time, he has lost weight and stubborn fat, recovered from hepatomegaly, and experienced relief from chronic insomnia.


Cobus began his carnivore journey after following several other diets over the years. He had tried the vegan diet a few times but didn’t find it improved his health or his weight at all.


Mostly, he had followed what’s become known as the standard American diet and consumed an excess amount of sugar. “I typically would drink 5 liters of Coca-Cola every day,” Cobus shares. “This went on for a long period of time. My doctor didn’t advise me against it when I explained the other symptoms I was having.”


Cobus’ Journey To The Carnivore Diet

Cobus suffered from a serious condition called hepatomegaly, or the enlargement of the liver. It’s also known as fatty liver disease and can result from the consumption of too much alcohol or excess sugar or be the result of cancer.


This occurs when the liver is swollen beyond its normal size and is often a symptom of an underlying problem. Most often, it’s a type of liver disease, causing it to swell with inflammation.


Fatty Liver Disease And The Carnivore Diet

“I had difficulty sleeping due to the pain in my liver. I tried to stop drinking Coca-Cola, but wasn’t successful with that as I was eating a standard American diet,” Cobus recalls. “By the grace of God, I found the carnivore diet after listening to Dr. Shawn Baker on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.”


Cobus’ Journey To The Carnivore Diet

Since a carnivore diet eliminates sugary drinks like Coca-Cola and other processed foods, many health conditions improve dramatically once someone makes the switch to a meat-based diet.


Fatty liver disease, in particular, can effectively be treated by eliminating sugar, alcohol, and processed foods from one’s diet and by improving symptoms of high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome, which can easily contribute to the condition.


The Remarkable Benefits Of A Meat-Based Diet

According to the Cleveland Clinic, the liver has a remarkable ability to repair and regenerate itself, provided it has enough healthy tissue left to work with. If the patient’s enlarged liver is the result of an acute condition, treating the condition will allow your liver to heal.


This was true for Cobus, and his change in diet finally brought him relief from his enlarged liver symptoms. “Within the first two months, all the pain in my liver disappeared.”


The Liver’s Ability To Repair And Regenerate

This change in diet resulted in several other health benefits for Cobus in a very short period of time. Even though he had struggled to lose body fat while running regularly, Cobus lost 12 kilograms (26.5 lbs) and finally got rid of the excess body fat he had previously been unable to lose.


“The interesting thing is that I was a runner all of my life,” Cobus explains. “I ran 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) per day, but I could not shake the extra body fat.” As soon as Cobus began the carnivore diet, he stopped running daily and started doing 300 pushups every morning.


Today, six months into his journey, Cobus is thrilled with his results on the carnivore diet!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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