Carmen improved her digestion and heavy periods on a carnivore diet

45 year-old woman


My story mainly concerns the reproductive system, but also the gastrointestinal system.


Symptoms of Reproductive System Issues

Prior symptoms affecting my reproductive system:


Agonizing periods (starting from about 33 years onward, steadily getting more intolerable), flooding, monthly cycle shortened to only 21 days (with 7 day long periods).


Two laparoscopic ovarian cystectomies (both right side, the largest cyst was 9 cm), finding of stage IV endometriosis.


Infertility. Four failed IVF cycles. Very large uterine fibroid (the size of a small grapefruit).


Carmen’s Struggle with Gastrointestinal Problems

Gastrointestinal. Self-diagnosed celiac disease (my aunt was diagnosed too). Life-long gas, frequently bloating, occasional abdominal pain.


Rare epileptic seizures (about every 2 years). Anemia lasting over 20 years.


2.5 years ago I was admitted to the ER for crippling period pain and the high-dose ibuprofen I was given was ineffective (I had reintroduced gluten 8 months before this event, after being gluten-free for 5 years). Being gluten-free kept my pain manageable, but everything was steadily getting worse, and culminated when I reintroduced gluten (big mistake).


From Conventional Medicine to Carnivory: Carmen’s Journey to Healing

Out of desperation and mistrust of what conventional medicine had to offer (hysterectomy) I got to carnivory over a 2.5 year period, starting with Paleo, Keto, frequent fasting (intermittent and water fasts). With every step on the dietary range I had massive improvements. Most of my major improvements came BEFORE going zero-carb, but ZC has brought even further improvements and consolidated those I already experienced.


Life-Changing Benefits of Carnivore Diet for Carmen

All of the problems I mentioned above resolved themselves completely, except for the infertility and uterine fibroid, which FEELS considerably smaller (but maybe that’s because I am leaner in the belly?). I am also much more cold-tolerant, no longer have acne, and my body odor has disappeared. The last health issue I would like to improve is the fibroid, and it really does feel smaller, so I am hopeful. Very grateful to this diet.



Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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