Bobby improves prostate function, lowers PSA score on carnivore diet

Bobby Improves Prostate Issues with Carnivore


I’m a male, age 83, and this is Aug. 4, 2019. I began the carnivore diet in late 2018.


I’ve lost approximately 5 or 6 inches on my waist and, at 5’11,” reduced my weight by 40 or 50 pounds (from 230 to 180) since doing the paleo diet (started 30 months ago), followed by the low-carb-high-fat diet (started 18 months ago) followed by the carnivore diet (started eight months ago). 


The biggest and most sustained weight loss occurred once I went Carnivore.


My biggest problem for the past decades has been prostate enlargement. The most troubling symptoms have been pain in urination (including occasional bouts of prostatitis) and restricted urination flow.


On starting the carnivore diet, I noticed immediate and significant relief from these prostate symptoms. No pain, no burning, free-flowing urine.  


Now for the proof. Over the last decade, my PSA levels have been on the rise, having significantly exceeded 4.0 (above-normal reference range) since 2012. In January 2019 and July 2019, my PSA decreased to 3.2 and then 3.1.


In full disclosure, I took Dutasteride (Avodart) for 60 days ending this April.


I stopped because it did not help. Avodart’s literature warns that stopping Avodart will curtail any benefit and perhaps even make symptoms worse. I noticed no change in starting or stopping.  


My only other prescription is Synthroid for a hypo-thyroid condition that I’ve had under control for more than 50 years. 


I’ve always been active, and so I bicycle in the hilly area of Reno 3 times a week, totaling about 100 miles. 


Since being on the carnivore diet, I’ve lost my taste for chicken. Late this Spring, I removed eggs because I noticed a slight increase in prostate symptoms with egg consumption. That leaves my diet with high-fat dairy, lots of beef (mostly, but not all, grass-fed), and some pork products.   


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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