Adam improves autoimmune conditions, constipation, acne on carnivore diet

Adam’s Struggles With Health Issues And Obesity From A Young Age


Adam is 42 years old and struggled with obesity, autoimmune conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, and high blood pressure from a young age. He reached his highest weight of 310 pounds at age 13 and began a long journey of dieting.


Attempting Various Diets But With No Success


“At age 14, it was one of those yo-yo things where I was starving myself to lose weight, go back to high-carb and low-fat like everyone was recommending.” His doctor put him on medications for high blood pressure and to treat his IBS symptoms.


Turning To Paleo And Keto Diets


In his mid-twenties, Adam turned to the paleo diet and eventually a ketogenic diet to help address some of his health issues. “People were saying how healthy vegetables were, so I was consuming a large amount of cruciferous leafy greens, but my IBS just got worse. I suffered from constipation, and my skin was always dry and prone to breakouts.”


Discovering The Carnivore Diet


At first, Adam attributed his blurry vision and other negative health issues to the fact of aging and didn’t realize that his symptoms could be a result of the food he was eating. One day, someone mentioned the “crazy doctor guy Shawn Baker,” who eats only meat. 


Adam recalls, “I thought that’s crazy. How can you live off of just meat? I’ve always been interested in books on diet and health, so I decided to look into the carnivore diet. It was very interesting and made a lot of sense to me.”


Following The Carnivore Diet And Experiencing Positive Results


Soon after, Adam began the carnivore diet and has been following it for about a year now. “I was just sick of feeling sick, so I decided to just eat nothing but meat. I haven’t looked back, and I’ve never felt better! The weight is starting to come off, and I feel great.”


Managing Symptoms Of IBS And Gluten Sensitivity


Occasionally, Adam still has the occasional symptoms of IBS if he chooses to eat foods other than meat. “I don’t find that eating other food works for me anymore. 

I’m very sensitive to gluten and sugars, so I’ve been very strict lately. I’m down to 190 pounds!” Adam doesn’t track calories and just eats until he’s full. He also has found that intermittent fasting is a tool that has helped him in maintaining his weight loss as well.


“I feel the best that I’ve felt in years!”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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