Trevor improved fitness, mood, mental health, sex on carnivore diet

My name is Trevor, and I am 28 years old. I’ve been on a fitness and health roller coaster since I was in high school. I wrestled my entire life and have forever been under the impression that “carb loading” was the answer to size and strength. While it may be the quickest option, it sure does have its negatives.


Trevor’s Health Journey


About this time last year, I dealt with a bit of trauma that sent me into a six-month downward spiral in regard to my mental and physical health. I was too depressed to eat. That was fine because I didn’t really want to or have a reason to eat anyway. 


I was too depressed to talk to someone about it, but also okay with the fact that I didn’t really want to do that either. What I couldn’t wrap my head around was that I didn’t even have the motivation to do the things I thought I couldn’t live without. It made absolutely no sense.


Struggles With Mental Health And Diet


One day, my wife and I were cleaning our house, and I believe we counted 24 Cottage Inn pizza boxes littered throughout our house. Keep in mind this was just dinner over the course of a month or so. This was when I decided it was time for change. 


It started off with restricting carbs and following your generic, cookie-cutter, high-fat ketogenic diet. I had a pretty quick turnaround in how I felt, but what I felt more was that counting all of these macro-nutrients was absolutely not for me. I found myself stressing to choke down more foods that I had to convince myself or train myself to like in the first place. 


What in the hell was I doing? Once I first heard that there was a diet out there where people were tossing 3-4 ribeyes down their gullet each day and getting strong and lean, I was immediately sold. I obviously had questions since it’s the polar opposite of the carb-heavy diet we’ve been conditioned to believe is healthy.


Turning Point: Embracing A Meat-Based Diet


I listened to a few podcasts with Shawn Baker and Mark Bell talking about this diet and the hundreds of people that it’s already helped, and I decided this was the move. I jumped in with both feet, instantly cut out the fluff, and bought a few pounds of steak. 


I’ve been going strong at this for about two weeks and have already felt an increase in energy, a lift in my mood, a more dense body composition, performance in the bedroom, focus, and, most importantly, my anxiety has almost completely subsided.


Benefits Of A Meat-Based Diet


I have not been happier about a personal decision I’ve made in a long time. This is a very good thing, and I can already see that this is building a very strong community of MEATEATERS out there. I only hope that more people read some of these amazing stories and see the power of steak.


Thanks for reading!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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