Vegan & vegetarian recovery

Real People, Real Results.

Sean solves GI issues, chronic hunger, circulation on carnivore diet

Sean Cosgrove is a personal trainer from Glasgow, Scotland. He found out about the carnivore diet from friends, colleagues and YouTube videos. He was as shocked as anyone to find out that the diet was beneficial for gastrointestinal issues and autoimmune disorders, not because of afflictions he had but rather, those that affected his his mom and sister. Doing a

Kevin gets rid of irritability on a carnivore diet

Kevin, from Seal Beach, California is a soldier in the US Army. He’s only on day 24 of his carnivore journey but the results have been so dramatic that he wanted to share them with others. He started 24 days ago  at 229 lbs. and he’s now down to 213 lbs.  Even though he realizes that most of this initial

Asra improves her digestion, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

I’m from the Philippines, and I’m 46 years old. I don’t follow any diet. I go by instinct, mostly. I would just realize later on that whatever I was already eating out of instinct was actually a thing. Vegetarian, raw vegan, zero carbs, paleo keto PKD, and raw primal — were labels I would learn after the fact.   From

Lauren improves her skin on a carnivore diet

  Background I was completely healthy going into this and already in better shape than majority of people. I have not been sick once in over 6 years and have long prided myself on not being brainwashed by our corrupt health system. I read the GAPS diet book and have long understood the healing benefits of meat. My dad is

Ashley improves fitness, mood, skin, and weight loss on a carnivore diet

Hi Dr. Baker,   Thank you for your work. Since hearing you speak on Rogan in 2017 about how meat is healing people, I took the leap from Keto to Carnivore and am so glad I did! My details are down below but basically, my benefits are amazing: My skin is flawless! My belly is flat! My body is strong!!!

Adam treats autoimmune conditions, joint pain, psoriasis on carnivore diet

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) in 2005 at the age of 29. The diagnosis came after a steady decline in my digestive health through my late 20’s. My symptoms were 5-10 uncontrollable bowel movements per day, bloody stools, pain weight loss and lethargy. I was treated with immunosuppressant medication that helped manage my condition but brought with it

Brittany improves back pain, mood, reproductive health on carnivore diet

After four years of being a vegan, I was sick of being bloated, tired, constipated, and having low energy. I am now 23 years old, 5 ft 5.5 inches tall. All of my family is thin with fast metabolisms, including all of my grandparents and relatives.   My whole life, I could get away with eating a big chocolate cake

Pamela improved her digestion, mood, reproductive health on carnivore diet

Pamela lost over 50 pounds eating a keto diet. August 1, 2018   Today, as I celebrate 18 months as a Carnivore, I think it is time for a #meatheals essay. After 18 months of healing and learning, I would like to share my story. Over this last year and a half, I have really learned to never say never.

Raenn improves arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and PCOS on a carnivore diet

My story has several parts to it to gain a full understanding of the way changing to a carnivore diet has impacted my life. It’s a long one!   The Great Global Gratitude Tour And The Start Of A Health Crisis   As a single adoptive parent of 6 special needs children and two biological children, I have been accustomed

Erin treats Multiple Sclerosis, feels good on carnivore diet

Here I am suffering with MS and being medicated and just not thriving. Here I am today with a new lease on life. The Power of Diet in Managing Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease and a horrible way to live, with or without medications. I heard about diet making a difference, so I jumped in.  

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