muscle gain

Real People, Real Results.

Scott improved sleep, strength, muscularity, and more on a carnivore diet

Scott was raised on a standard American diet filled with sugary and carb-laden foods. He jokes that his parents kept him “complicit and compliant” by offering him snacks. Until the eighth grade, Scott says he was on the “pudgy” side, but once he took up the sport of rowing, that began to change.   From Pudgy to Competitive Rower Throughout

Adam improved his fatigue and metal health on a carnivore diet

Police Officer And Army National Guard Member   Just for some background, I’m 26 years old. I have been a police officer for the past three years and serve on a variety of specialized teams, including the SWAT Team, K9 Bloodhound Tracking Team, and Riot Team.   I have also been serving for the past six years in the Army

Ryan improved his mental health and joint pain on a carnivore diet

From High Protein to Carnivore: My Journey   Hi Doctor Shawn, and to everyone out there,   I have been somewhat of a diet elitist and have been lifting weights for 15 years. As science would tell you, my diet began with a high-protein, high-carb, low-fat diet.   While being at that time in my 20s, it worked, but calories-wise,

Dominic improved fitness, immune system, mood, skin on carnivore diet

I have been working with ketosis for 4 years. Carnivore since middle of December, not looking back now. Growing muscle mass, while staying incredibly shredded at 82kg at the moment. Deadlifting over triple my bodyweight and going for the 80kg-85kg British deadlift record. Prior to carnivore, my lifts were not going up and only slowly when improving. Mental energy and

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