Mental health – other

Real People, Real Results.

Nick improved anxiety on a carnivore diet

The Struggle with Weight and Health Issues It was November of 2016. I’d had a stressful half decade with lots of difficult situations arising from my business and personal life.   I had always had a problem keeping my weight down, and for the previous 6 months, I had been on a “healthy diet” of porridge and fruits for breakfast,

Milian heals hemorrhoids on a carnivore diet

Milian is a 28-year-old computer programmer from Bosnia & Herzegovina. He implemented a carnivore diet to address several health concerns that plagued him for years. “For the past five years, my health was in a constant state of decline,” Milian shares. While he didn’t have a lot of sugar in his diet, he consumed a lot of carbohydrates and very

A. D. improves digestion, mood, sleep, and fitness on a carnivore diet

I started having problems with my blood sugar right after I had my first baby. I was diagnosed as a gestationally diabetic while carrying. I was given no advice or follow-up after having her.   Within two to three months later, I was constantly dizzy, hot, my heart would start beating out of my chest, shaky, hyperventilating, and I’d feel

David heals allergies, hypersensitivity, sleep issues on carnivore diet

The Healing Power of the Carnivore Diet   My whole life, my health has been an enigma to me. I was always skinny as a kid and could, and did, eat pretty much anything I wanted without gaining weight. That included a lot of sugar. Sugar poured over my cereal in the morning, sugar in the juices and sodas I

Travis drastically improves PTSD on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Travis. I am only like 3 weeks into this WOE, but the difference is pretty incredible. I will get into all the issues that this has helped, but first, some backstory.   Injury and PTSD I was Air Force as part of a Combat Communications unit, and deployed (a few times). I will not go into

Randi improves digestion, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Randi had always been overweight, and says, “I have struggled with weight loss MY ENTIRE LIFE.” She saw her clothing size increase to as much as 18 and says, “I have always accepted my body and been very confident, but always wanted to lose weight. I also have worked out very frequently my whole life, but it was a challenge

Elliott heals eating disorder, improves mental health on carnivore diet

Elliot is a bodybuilder who has been on a long search for the right diet to support his sport. Bodybuilding diets, while they can result in some amazingly muscular physiques, are not known for promoting health. Prepping for events has an even worse reputation, and Elliot’s experiences are a striking example of that. Thankfully, he found a way to heal,

Virgilia improves digestion, joint pain, migraines, skin on carnivore diet

Since I was about 10ish years old, I’ve had issues with food-related illnesses. At first, it was random sickness after eating or little desire to eat. By the time I was 15, I full on could not eat a solid meal.   Two bites in, and I was SICK! It was awful because I was hungry and knew I had

Martin lost anxiety, paranoia, fatigue, rhinitis on carnivore diet

After years of experimentation with keto and paleo diets, always allowing cheat days, I took the plunge into carnivory and have not looked back. All I eat is beef and butter. Anxiety, paranoia, fatigue and allergic rhinitis all vanished in a matter of weeks. My lifting regimen is energizing instead of exhausting, and my body is strong in ways I

Jane healed depression, and anxiety on a carnivore diet

My story is one of mental health transformation as well as other health challenges.  I’m a 50 year old woman from Australia and in the past few months it seems I have resolved my Bipolar Type II using a carnivore diet.   During my one year on a ketogenic diet I have lost 17 kilos of fat (37 lbs) which is half

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