Joint issues – other

Real People, Real Results.

Richard improved his addiction, depression and mood on carnivore diet

I’ve tried all my life to be happy and healthy to no avail until now. From 320lbs to 183lbs in a 1 and a half years starting with keto for 5 months and switching to a carnivore diet for the last year. Keto got the weight moving and carnivore got my mind straight and even more weight off. I managed

Andrew improved digestion, brain fog, joint pain, libido on carnivore diet

“I gave up alcohol five years ago, which is a great achievement in itself,” Andrew begins. “But two years after giving up the drink, I thought my health would have improved, but it got worse. I had problems with my libido, gut issues, brain fog, poor memory, joint pain, lack of energy, and I became fat.”   Struggles with Health

Christoper improved joint pain, anxiety and depression on carnivore diet

I’ve been carnivore for a little over a year now.  The reason I started this way of eating, was to rid myself of the anxiety and depression that was making my life more difficult then it had to be. As an added benefit I lost over 40lb. I had a meniscus tear in my right knee. For four years I

Brittney improved her mood, join and back pain on carnivore diet

Pain-Free And More Energetic I didn’t even realize how much pain I was experiencing day to day until I went carnivore and then didn’t have the pain anymore. I used to have pain in my lower back, neck, knees, and ankles. I dealt with significant fatigue every day.   Some days I’d get home at the end of the day

Jon went from pre-diabetic to ideal health on a carnivore diet

A non-sugarcoated story With every word I type I am cringing like mad. I never wanted to do anything like this but the last few months have led me to writing this blog. The number of people asking questions or making comments have forced my hand a little. The main aim of this blog is to document what I am

Sean improved fitness, chronic joint and back pain on carnivore diet

My story:   When I turned 40 in July 2017, I was “living a good life” filled with “good food” and “good booze”. What wasn’t good was my health. I was fat. My back hurt. My knees hurt. When I bent over to tie my shoes, I couldn’t breathe. I was always tired because I had a bad case of

Martin heartburn and sleep on a carnivore diet

Martin’s Health Issues and Frustrations with Healthcare Advice Martin had heartburn “every single day.” Looking back, he is a little frustrated with the healthcare advice that he was receiving at the time, noting that “My doctor prescribed me Prilosec and never asked me what I ate!? Prilosec didn’t do anything.”   Importance of Diet and Lifestyle in Healthcare When he

Odaine improved mood, back pain and inflammation on carnivore diet

Carnivore Diet Journal   I am Odaine Tomlinson, currently 29 years old, and I started the carnivore diet on November 2, 2019. Prior to embarking on the carnivore diet, I served in the military, and once I got out of the Navy in 2012, I was doing long-distance running and bodybuilding eating a standard American diet.   At that time,

Nicole improved her energy and lost weight on a carnivore diet

Looking back, Nicole says she’s blown away by how unhealthy she used to be prior to starting a carnivore diet. “This diet saving me is an understatement!” she says. “I didn’t have energy and was following a gluten-free diet, taking thyroid medication for Hashimoto’s, supplementing with vitamins, and exercising. My joints still ached, I was unable to think clearly, and

Laney lost weight, improved anemia and fatigue on a carnivore diet

The Frustrating Search for Digestive Solutions   It’s New Year’s Eve 2018, and this time last year, I was making lists and action plans for how I might once-and-for-all get to the bottom of my digestion problems. “This will be the year,” I would think as I would set out at the top of that willpower mountain, only to make

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