Joint issues – other

Real People, Real Results.

Tony improves digestion, GERD, joint pain, sleep apnea on carnivore diet

Tony leads an active lifestyle at 57 years old. His previous philosophy about food was “anything goes.” Recently, that changed as he noticed some physical challenges that were holding him back from living his best life. Until three months ago, Tony says he put no limits on his appetite or cravings for carb-heavy foods. “I would eat anything I wanted.

T. T. improves fitness, foot pain, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Life caught up with me in my 30s – like it threw a rope around me and yanked me to the ground. I went from blissfully eating whatever I wanted on the SAD diet to desperately searching for the answers I hoped would save my health. I’ll explain.   Living in NYC gave me access to some of the most

Beau heals from back pain and joint pain on a carnivore diet

Beau is 34 years old and has experienced significant issues with his weight, at one point seeing himself grow to over 400 pounds. He needed back surgery 12 years ago, leading to chronic issues with back discomfort over the following years. It’s difficult to imagine for those of us who have never been this obese. One example worth considering is

Connor heals from diabetes, joint pain, immune issues on a carnivore diet

Controlling Blood Sugar With A Meat-Based Diet In February 2018, Connor found Dr. Baker, and after hearing his story, he made the decision to follow a primary carnivore diet “with the help of a close friend who was also experimenting with the diet.” Connor defined his diet by saying, “When I say primarily Carnivore, I mean about 90% of my

Randi improves digestion, joint pain, and mood on a carnivore diet

Randi had always been overweight, and says, “I have struggled with weight loss MY ENTIRE LIFE.” She saw her clothing size increase to as much as 18 and says, “I have always accepted my body and been very confident, but always wanted to lose weight. I also have worked out very frequently my whole life, but it was a challenge

Virgilia improves digestion, joint pain, migraines, skin on carnivore diet

Since I was about 10ish years old, I’ve had issues with food-related illnesses. At first, it was random sickness after eating or little desire to eat. By the time I was 15, I full on could not eat a solid meal.   Two bites in, and I was SICK! It was awful because I was hungry and knew I had

Wade heals anxiety, depression, strep throat, joint pain on carnivore diet

Wade is 50 years old and has noticed incredible improvements after just six weeks on the Carnivore Diet. Throughout childhood and most of his adult life, Wade suffered from frequent bouts of strep throat, food allergies, and a whole host of digestive issues. Due to frequent infections, Wade spent most of his childhood on antibiotics and injections. By the time

Dain improves in sleep, anxiety, dandruff, tinnitus on carnivore diet

I’ve been eating this way for 3 weeks (I keep eating to a 6 hour window). Changes are as follows: Life long dandruff gone in a week Sleeping better then ever Cleanest skin I have ever had – not one zit on my body Tinnitus I have had for years is greatly reduced Endless energy Anxiety greatly reduced Overall better

Daniel improved sleep, energy, headaches, chronic injuries on carnivore diet

I had eaten the Standard American Diet for most of my life but with a heavy emphasis on “healthy” grains and “low fat” everything. As I went through college as a young adult, I found my health declining.   My waist circumference went over 40 inches, my BMI went over 35, and I was so exhausted that I fell asleep

Patrick improved his arthritis and back pain on a carnivore diet

Seeking Help for Arthritis and Weightlifting In August of 2017, about 5 weeks before my 52nd birthday, I wrote an email to Dr. Shawn Baker to ask for help.   A few months before, I was in the emergency room for what I thought was sciatica. The pain shooting down my leg was so debilitating that it was impossible to

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