Hans improves joint issues, alertness while losing weight on carnivore diet

Hans is 40 years old and has followed a raw carnivore diet for 9 months. He has subsequently resolved major joint issues affecting his elbows, including a debilitating condition called spondylitis. The chronic inflammation in his joints prevented Hans from exercising and doing some of his favorite activities like swimming and kite surfing.

“When I cut out alcohol and switched over to the carnivore diet, my symptoms basically disappeared. I had previously had problems with my wrist and slow recovery of some torn ligaments in my heels, but all of that has pretty much disappeared,” Hans shared.

Hans follows a carnivore diet 80% of the time. A typical day of food includes 5 raw eggs and milk for breakfast, lamb kebabs for lunch, and grass-fed and finished beef patties for dinner. Standing at 6’6 and about 187 pounds, he lost about 9 pounds in his first month on a meat-based diet. Since weight loss is not his main goal, Hans hopes to continue on the diet and build strength while keeping his joint issues in remission. Given the success he has had so far, Hans is beginning to experiment with different carnivore foods. “I am adding some bone broth now and trying to choose more fatty meats overall. I’ve cut out alcohol entirely.”

Though he wasn’t a heavy drinker, Hans did notice an improvement in his brain function while abstaining from alcohol completely and following the carnivore diet. ”My memory has improved significantly, and I’m better able to analyze and dissipate situations in my daily life. I’m definitely more calm and less anxious than I had been before, and my thoughts are more organized.”

Like many following the carnivore diet, Hans realizes the challenges that may arise when others in the household are not following the same way of eating. “I do get exposed to the occasional treats, like cake or chocolates, which is hard for me,” he says. “When it comes to sugar, it is so extremely addictive that my cravings will come back when I have it.”

Hans remains committed to sticking with the carnivore diet, however, as it has resolved the aforementioned issues and has overall improved his quality of life. “The health benefits are very much worth it, and it’s been a great experience for me.” Hans plans to become more active in the carnivore community, and enjoys following Dr. Shawn Baker’s podcast which continues to inspire and help shape his journey.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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