
Real People, Real Results.

Sarah healed from PCOS, adrenal fatigue, depression, IBS, and eczema on a Carnivore diet

Sarah’s Struggle With Weight And Diets   Sarah is a carnivore coach with her Youtube channel, “carnivore yogi.” She always had a big problem with her weight. “I have lost 100 pounds three separate times in my life, and so I have struggled with eating disorders.”   Negative Effects Of Plant-Based Diet Before finding Carnivore, Sarah tried many diets: “I

Devin improved nerve pain, hormonal balance, and eliminated seizures on a carnivore diet

Devin’s Health Issues   Devin had health issues such as chronic indigestion, constipation, chronic migraines, and headaches all her life. Because her mother had them, too, she thought it was unavoidable.   Trying Anti-Seizure Medication   After one migraine, she ended up in the hospital. Her doctor did a spinal tap because he thought she had meningitis.   When she

Mike S healed gout and increased his energy and mental freedom on a carnivore lifestyle

Mike’s Struggle with Gout and Diet Approaches After years of trying everything from the standard American diet loaded with sugar and processed foods to a vegan diet, Mike finally discovered the healing benefits of a carnivore diet. In the process, he healed his painful gout symptoms and optimized his health in every way.   Mike struggled with gout for many

Leah had a dream pregnancy and reduced systemic inflammation on a carnivore lifestyle

Leah’s Carnivore Journey   Leah has always enjoyed meat and mostly avoided sugar. She followed a ketogenic diet ten years ago after noticing she felt better when she limited carbohydrates.   She transitioned to a carnivore diet just over two years ago through a trial-and-error approach to food and paying attention to what her body needs. She’s enjoyed a healthy

Micki’s MS is in remission and her bowel issues are gone all with a carnivore diet

For 34 years, Micki suffered from multiple sclerosis (MS), which affected her balance, mobility, and cognitive function. Since implementing a low-carb diet and, more recently, following a carnivore diet, Micki is thrilled to report she is in complete remission! Anti-Inflammatory Diets and Their Impact on Autoimmune Conditions Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling autoimmune disease of the brain and

Leandro treated his rheumatoid arthritis on a carnivore diet

Leandro’s Story: From Rheumatoid Arthritis to Pain-Free   For twenty years, Leandro suffered from joint pain and inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The pain was so advanced that he had difficulty walking, and his wife had to help him get into bed. As a lifelong athlete, Leandro was devastated by the diagnosis. “They call it a silent pain because

Steve reduced symptoms of restless leg syndrome on a carnivore diet

Sitting across from his doctor at his annual physical seven months ago, Steve was faced with some tough news. “Your creatine, protein, and vitamin B12 levels are low,” the doctor reported. “I’m detecting malnutrition here.” It was a moment Steve will not soon forget, and he made the decision to leave veganism behind in search for a way of eating

Katherine’s lupus flares have subsided since starting the carnivore diet

Six months ago, Katherine was riddled with debilitating symptoms from lupus, GERD, PCOS, bipolar disorder, asthma, and hypothyroidism. She was taking 15 medications and grew concerned as her weight increased. “I was miserable!” she shares.   Relief from Multiple Health Issues on a Carnivore Diet   Feeling hopeless and ready to give up, Katherine learned that a close friend eliminated

Kyle treated his depression and digestive symptoms on a carnivore diet

Before finding success on a carnivore diet, Kyle was 225 pounds, exercised regularly, and focused on any food that had “protein” listed on the label. His meals were heavy on salads, nuts, and processed foods with many additives.   “I was bloated all the time. None of the other mechanics wanted to be around me!” he jokes. Kyle struggled to

Julia healed joint pain, inflammation and anxiety on a carnivore diet

Julia came to follow a carnivore diet after suffering from obesity for many years and what she describes as a “plethora” of other health conditions. “I was suffering from anxiety and depression, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, inflammation, and a headache that would just not go away,” she shares. “I had allergies to things I didn’t even know about and reactions

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