
Real People, Real Results.

Phil improves autoimmunity and digestion on the carnivore diet

Discovering the carnivore diet Phil walks into a bookstore. The health section catches his eye, and a book stands out to him: “The Carnivore Diet”. The title alone is enough to pique his curiosity. As he flips through the pages, Phil learns about the benefits some people claim to experience from this diet: improved mental clarity, increased energy, and even

Jason improved digestion and seizures on the carnivore diet

A Vegetarian Past: The Struggles Begin In his early 20s, Jason embarks on a vegetarian journey. He believes it’s a healthy choice, but soon, his body starts sending signals that something is wrong. Bowel movements become irregular and inconsistent, leading to discomfort and confusion. He even experiences seizures, a frightening symptom that sends him to the hospital. Doctors are unable

Jake improved acid reflux and emotional stability on a carnivore diet

Discovering the Carnivore Diet In sunny Arizona, Jake, a dedicated physician, embarks on a transformative journey towards optimal health. For years, he’s held a keen interest in nutrition, making small adjustments to his family’s diet, aiming for what he believed was a healthier path. This curiosity eventually leads him to the ketogenic diet, a regimen focused on high fats and

William improves weight and blood markers on the carnivore diet

A Standard American Diet with a Twist William’s dietary journey begins with something familiar to many: the standard American diet. However, his version is slightly different. Raised with less sugar than his peers and influenced by the low-fat craze, William’s diet was not as bad as some. But by the time he reached 43, he had put on a few

Tristan & Jessica improved anxiety and mood on a carnivore diet

Embracing the Carnivore Lifestyle Tristan and Jessica are passionate advocates for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. They have embraced the carnivore diet, focusing on animal-based nutrition and natural remedies. Their journey is not just about personal health; it’s about understanding the broader implications of food choices and supporting ethical practices. The Healing Power of Supplements Tristan and Jessica believe in

Douglas manages anxiety and blood glucose on a carnivore diet

A Life of Chronic Illness Douglas, a retired respiratory therapist, has spent his life battling various health issues. From adrenal tumors to bladder cancer, his life has been a series of medical challenges. But it’s not just the physical ailments that have plagued him; paranoia has also been a constant companion. The medical treatments, while necessary, have left him feeling

Amy manages chronic kidney disease and sugar addiction on a carnivore diet

A Life-Changing Decision: Embracing the Carnivore Diet Amy, a fifty-year-old woman, finds herself at a crossroads in her life. Struggling with chronic kidney disease and weight issues, she feels lost and without hope. But a decision to embrace the carnivore diet, a regimen focusing on meat and animal products, changes everything. The Healing Power of Meat: Reversing Chronic Kidney Disease

Helen manages chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS), hereditary spherocytosis on carnivore diet

Helen battled a constellation of severe health challenges. With her life hanging in the balance, she turns to an unlikely ally for aid – the carnivore diet. This is a story of persistence, change, and a unique dietary approach. A Struggle with Chronic Illnesses Helen endures a complex combination of health problems. Anemia, a blood disorder called hereditary spherocytosis, and

Cheryl improved anxiety, depression, disordered eating, and cravings on a carnivore diet

Cheryl had a long history of struggling with disordered eating, anxiety, and depression and found herself tired of feeling unhealthy and unsatisfied. She decided to radically change her lifestyle and, after some research, she found the carnivore diet. Beginning the Journey Transitioning from a life of dietary restrictions and mental struggles, Cheryl decided to give the carnivore diet a chance.

Jim lost weight, improved energy and blood pressure, and reduced medications on a carnivore diet

Jim is a man on a mission, a mission to regain his health after a significant wake-up call. In the past, he followed a standard American diet. This dietary approach typically includes a heavy focus on processed foods, refined sugars, and high levels of carbohydrates. However, Jim’s health crisis, a stroke, compelled him to reevaluate his lifestyle and nutrition. Shifting

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