
Real People, Real Results.

Mark treats congestion, digestion, skin issues, arthritis on a carnivore diet

Mark’s Journey With The Carnivore Diet   Mark turned to the Carnivore Diet after finding out he would need a hip replacement. This was a surprise to him, as the 54-year-old had been eating a whole foods diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and who had been active his whole life.   In an effort to treat his arthritis and

Shaun improves weight loss, digestion, and energy levels on a carnivore diet

Shaun has been following a 90% Carnivore Diet for four months. Aside from an occasional non-carnivore snack, his diet mainly consists of ruminant meats (beef and lamb), some chicken, tuna, and canned fish. He also consumes a half dozen eggs per day.   Shaun’s 90% Carnivore Diet Experience   Shaun notes, “I’m not religious about my diet, but I try

Joanna’s Crohn’s have alleviated on carnivore diet

Hello Dr Baker! My name is Joanna. Thank you for your previous service to our country and continued work with carnivore!!   Incredible Healing   I’ve been carnivore for almost two months and already I’m shocked at how my body composition has changed. Crohns and Lupus symptoms are completely alleviated, completely! Carnivore is incredible and I promise it works for

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