Real People, Real Results.

Patricia improved arthritis and joint pain on a carnivore diet

Patricia’s Experience with the Carnivore Diet    I grew up in a family where the dad ate protein, and the family ate potatoes, vegetables, and bread and drank dehydrated nonfat milk. As a child, I was chubby, had digestion and elimination problems, and was always taking medication for ear infections, sore throat, or hay fever.   In 1992, I was

Stacey reversed heart disease on carnivore diet

Stacey describes her carnivore journey as “somewhat of a miracle,” and her doctor would have to agree! In less than a year, she has completely reversed heart disease and lost weight while following a carnivore diet. Nine months ago, Stacey received scary news from her cardiologist that no patient wants to hear. “I was diagnosed with left bundle branch blockage,”

Kade improved liver function on a carnivore diet

My name is Kade. I live in a small town in the middle of Wyoming, where I was born and raised. A thirty-year-old with hunting, fishing, and the outdoors deeply ingrained in my way of life. Before this way of eating all started over a year ago, I ate a SAD (Standard American Diet) and really enjoyed my beer (what’s

Jay improved his sports performance on a carnivore diet

On the first of the year, a good friend sent me a Joe Rogan podcast interview with Dr. Shawn Baker regarding the carnivore diet. As a healthcare professional and generally health conscious individual, I was intrigued with the logic and supporting clinical information. However, an important missing piece of evidence in my opinion were measurable lab results so I decided

Rick improved cardiovascular health, fitness, joint pain on carnivore diet

Carnivore way of eating for 5 months. Cardiovascular: My blood pressure dropped from 130/90 to 95/65 (lowest). Triglyceride to HDL ratio 1.42, down to 1.17 Joints: Knee pain gone. Nerves: Tremor in left little finger gone, depression and anxiety gone. Energy up: Doing push-ups and cycling. Skin: Fingernails not ridging. Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those

Jacob improved cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

Jacob has experienced so many benefits since switching to a carnivore diet 18 months ago. He has improved his cardiovascular health, arthritis, digestive issues, and blood pressure by eliminating grains and vegetables. At 28 years old, Jacob was diagnosed with arthritis in his hands. Affecting the joints and other connective tissues, arthritis is characterized by inflammation that causes joint pain

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