Real People, Real Results.

Sean resolved bad acne, chest pains, bloating, eczema on carnivore diet

Left: Mid-teens, I gained 28lbs eating 6 small meals a day, high in fibre and grains and fruit. I had bad acne, chest pains, bloating, gas, eczema, and was very insecure about how I looked. Right: Almost 2 years of bacon and eggs later, 1-2 meals a day, all issues resolved. Results are not typical. All viewers of this content,

Jack improved diabetes on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Jack. I retired last December 2017. I’m 60 years old. My job stressed me out, and I ate everything in sight every night after work. I had reached a weight of 237 pounds at the time of my retirement.   Eating Carnivore And Hitting The Gym   My son, a PE and health teacher, turned me

Jón improved mood and mental health on a carnivore diet

I was asked by the man that really started the carnivore movement in Iceland to share my story.   My Younger Years Being Big   Then, let’s begin at the beginning. My name is Jón Jakobsson. I am 48 years old and from Iceland. I have always been fat. When I was a kid, I was fat until I discovered

Jeremiah improved cardiovascular and mental health on a carnivore diet

How a Carnivore Diet Transformed Jeremiah’s Health In October 2017, Jeremiah listened to Dr. Shawn Baker’s interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Like many others who are brave enough to throw traditional nutritional advice out the window and try a meat-based diet, Jeremiah was skeptical at first. “It sounded crazy, but I was willing to try it!”   Jeremiah

Christopher improved cardiovascular health, nervous system on carnivore diet

Hey everyone, I would like to make this short and simple since this diet is just that. Cutting out all carbohydrates has been the most profound thing I have done for my health. It’s been a phenomenal 3 months. The benefits of this diet are undeniable and obvious. I have experienced optimal health for the first time after a long

Don improved cardiovascular health and vision on a carnivore diet

Don’s Journey to Better Health and Nutrition Don’s carnivore success story is proof that you’re never too old to make positive changes in your health.“I’m 87 years old and have finally gotten my health back! Or, at least, what I could.”   Following the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Didn’t Work for Don Don says his journey to better health and proper

Mary improved her autoimmune issue and diabetes on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Mary. I am a 59-year-old female.   Mary’s Stats   Diet: Standard American Diet   Weight: 230 lbs   Health issues: Dyslipidemia Atherosclerotic coronary disease (CAC score: 99) Hypertension Obesity Pre-diabetes Arthritis Gout: right great toe Autoimmune Inflammatory conditions Anxiety Hypothyroidism Neuropathy due to peroneal nerve entrapment after left knee replacement 3 Anti-hypertension medications One thyroid

Patricia improved arthritis and joint pain on a carnivore diet

Patricia’s Experience with the Carnivore Diet    I grew up in a family where the dad ate protein, and the family ate potatoes, vegetables, and bread and drank dehydrated nonfat milk. As a child, I was chubby, had digestion and elimination problems, and was always taking medication for ear infections, sore throat, or hay fever.   In 1992, I was

Stacey reversed heart disease on carnivore diet

Stacey describes her carnivore journey as “somewhat of a miracle,” and her doctor would have to agree! In less than a year, she has completely reversed heart disease and lost weight while following a carnivore diet. Nine months ago, Stacey received scary news from her cardiologist that no patient wants to hear. “I was diagnosed with left bundle branch blockage,”

Kade improved liver function on a carnivore diet

My name is Kade. I live in a small town in the middle of Wyoming, where I was born and raised. A thirty-year-old with hunting, fishing, and the outdoors deeply ingrained in my way of life. Before this way of eating all started over a year ago, I ate a SAD (Standard American Diet) and really enjoyed my beer (what’s

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