Autoimmune issues

Real People, Real Results.

Jeremy healed psoriasis on a carnivore diet

G’day,   Jeremy from Sydney, Australia. Current Age is 40, 6’2” tall, weight is 100kg, 18.4% body fat   My Challenges   I have had mental health challenges since the age of 18. I played semi-professional soccer for a number of years until injury requiring extensive surgeries ended those days at age 25. I have experienced chronic pain, nerve pain,

Erin treats Multiple Sclerosis, feels good on carnivore diet

Here I am suffering with MS and being medicated and just not thriving. Here I am today with a new lease on life. The Power of Diet in Managing Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease and a horrible way to live, with or without medications. I heard about diet making a difference, so I jumped in.  

Aaron treats auto-immune issues and depression on carnivore diet

Since he was 16 years old, Aaron has suffered from multiple autoimmune diseases. He summarizes his life before Carnivore by saying,   Aaron’s Life Before Carnivore   “I’ve been incredibly sick since I was probably about 16 years old. For long, long times in my life, I’ve been basically bedridden.”   He felt like “I’ve reached the bottom of my

Lori lost weight and gained strength on a carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Lori. I’m a 52 year old female. Mother of two grown sons, and busy with lots of homemaking and volunteer work. I don’t have a radical healing success story. But, it’s still big to me and my life. Stalling Weightloss On The Keto Diet   I had been overweight and miserable for 30 years. Over a year ago

Mathieu improved fitness, energy, cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

My name is Mathieu. I am 25 years old and live in Québec, Canada. I started the Carnivore Diet on January 14. I first heard of Shawn by listening to the Joe Rogan podcast. At first, I was intrigued by the benefits Dr. Baker talked about, so I began exploring the Zero Carb diet lifestyle, Keto diet, and diet and

Sabine improved her mental and reproductive health on a carnivore diet

Early Years: Skin Issues, Digestive Problems, And Allergies   I was born on March 21, 1973, in Germany. Based on my parents’ accounts of my early years, I had skin issues, constant bloating, and digestive problems, constipation in particular, pretty much from the start. By the age of four, I was diagnosed with severe seasonal allergies.   From then on,

Charlene improves sleep, cardiovascular health, digestion on carnivore diet

My Carnivore Diet Journey As per interest and requests I thought I would sit down and talk about my story of approaching and reaching my carnivore diet. Even though I like to never look back or put any focus on my previous ill health, I know that by doing so it may help others. Warning… I’m a number of things,

Chandler treats vasculitis, tendinitis, piriformis syndrome on carnivore diet

Chandler, 57, shares his incredible journey to recovery from chronic pain and inflammation associated with vasculitis, tendinitis, piriformis syndrome, and temporal arteritis. Chandler is 6’1” and has gone from 245 pounds to 178 pounds in just over a year.   Chandler’s Journey To Recovery   “I was in bad shape, really,” Chandler recalls. “None of my doctors were able to

Adam improves autoimmune conditions, constipation, acne on carnivore diet

Adam’s Struggles With Health Issues And Obesity From A Young Age   Adam is 42 years old and struggled with obesity, autoimmune conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, and high blood pressure from a young age. He reached his highest weight of 310 pounds at age 13 and began a long journey of dieting.   Attempting Various Diets But With No Success

Sarah improves autoimmune conditions, arthritis, weight on carnivore diet

Sarah lives in Australia and has been following the carnivore diet for 2 months. She has experienced incredible health improvements, including weight loss, relief from autoimmune disorders, better mental health, and less joint pain.   Just nine months ago, Sarah began her journey to lose weight and find relief from pustular plaque psoriasis on a ketogenic diet. She has gone

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