Search Results for: Psoriasis – Page 5

Jerry found his abs in his 50s on a carnivore diet

Jerry said he was “lacking energy and feeling old.” He was tired a lot and overweight. At 53 he felt “over the hill.” Jerry was introduced to Keto by a co-worker who had lost 100 pounds. As a child and for most of his adult life, Jerry had belly fat and thought it was most likely due to genetics. Belly

Mariela restored her health from the damage of veganism

I am a bilingual speech language pathologist, published author, actor and spirit medium. I have 3 amazing children: Seth, Sienna and Syler- who are each a gift and are fulfilling their own path and dreams. I was a vegan for 6 years, before that I was on low carb way of eating in with a lot of success (for 12

Isaac lost weight (58 lbs) on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Isaac. Here’s my short account of going carnivore. 256 lbs (2018) 198 lbs ( 2020) Struggling With Different Diets   Twenty eighteen , I was at the time struggling with obesity and heart issues went from pesco-vegetarian to Vegetarian to vegan. I struggled even went for nutritional assistance and yet I kept gaining weight. I did

Donna got off all prescription drugs on carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Donna. I am 71 years old and have been carnivore for 2 years. Carnivore As An Elimination Diet I initially used it as an elimination diet to find triggers for my psoriasis and migraines. After 4 weeks of carnivore, both psoriasis and migraines disappeared. I have continued carnivore and am no longer on prescription meds. Getting Stronger An

Eric improved cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

My name is Eric. I am 63, had a heart attack back in 2007 at age 51.  I was stented and put on 80mg statin for the rest of my life.  My diet was SAD, 80% plant based.  I was advised to follow a low fat diet.  Hypertension got worse, I became obese, then autoimmune disorder, depression and perhipheral neuropathy

Ekaterina improved digestion, hormonal health and PCOS on carnivore diet

Hi!   I am Ekaterina, a Russian-speaking Carnivore coach, and I live in Switzerland.   This is my story (sorry, I can’t write just in a few words).   First of all, I’m an ex-vegetarian (10 years) plus an ex-vegan (5.5 years).   My health wasn’t perfect since my childhood: allergies to pollen and home animals, genetic psoriasis, super sensitive

April improved her eating disorder on a carnivore diet

For years I struggled with binge eating after a bikini comp. Looking back, I realized I entered the bikini comp during an intense manic phase due to my bipolar disorder. Before the bikini comp, I had no issues with binging, even when I was undiagnosed with bipolar disorder. The competition served as a trigger, and from that point on (almost

Stephen lost weight, improved arthritis, and got off opioids on a carnivore diet

Stephen’s Battle with Health Issues    My journey began as I was looking for data on the best method for weight/fat loss for a disabled and non-mobile psoriatic arthritis patient. I also have severe psoriasis, and my skin was a nightmare.   I had been a long-time martial artist with several black belts and, at one time, was a successful

Rachel treats digestive issues, anxiety, hair loss on carnivore diet

Meet Rachel, a 43-year-old mom from Sydney, Australia. After decades of yo-yo dieting, severe calorie restriction, weight loss surgery, and frustration from doing everything “right” but not seeing results, she finally found success on the carnivore diet and has experienced tremendous healing in just three months.   Decades of Yo-Yo Dieting and Frustration “People were always telling me I was

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