Search Results for: Psoriasis – Page 4

Plants Are Out to Poison You!

Plants have been on the planet for roughly 700 million years, and they have been successfully fighting off various fungi, insects, and other animals since well before humans arrived some 3 million years ago. Plants have developed all kinds of defense strategies to ensure the survival of their species, including a system of elaborate chemical defenses. If you and I

James gets off all psych meds on a carnivore diet

From a lifetime of mental health issues to a new hope with Carnivore    My name is James. I am 27 years old and have suffered immensely from mental health issues since I was 6 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD and put on psych medication in kindergarten. I also was depressed as a child, which progressed as I

Kristen feels alive for the first time on a carnivore diet

Kirsten was obese her whole life. When she was in first grade, she weighed 99 pounds. The woman weighing her said, “Oh, you weigh more than I do.”   Kirsten will never forget that moment.   Kirsten’s Struggle with Obesity   Her family frequently had snacks at bedtime. Kirsten recalls eating ice cream sundaes in Tupperware containers before bed.  

Dunja healed Hashimoto’s and Alex healed perforated colon

Dunja and Alex’s Health Struggles Before the Carnivore Diet   Dunja describes their diet before carnivore as a healthy version of the Standard American Diet—home-cooked food, no junk food, meat, vegetables, and fruit. Alex adds that he did eat a lot of nuts and grains, thinking they were healthy.   Dunja found it very hard to focus, tired easily, and

Joel’s arthritis, spine issues and chronic tendinitis in full remission on carnivore diet

Living with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Joel has had psoriasis since he was a young child– he doesn’t remember a time in his life when he didn’t have psoriasis. Joel says the autoimmune condition has always been a part of his life. Joel also says he was given various medications and creams, but nothing worked. Joel, like many individuals diagnosed

Larry healed back pain, anxiety, depression, gut issues and skin issues on carnivore diet

Larry’s parents are from Bosnia, and he says he grew up eating a relatively healthy diet. In Bosnia, many meals are centered around meat, organs, and potatoes. Larry says his diet changed to a more Standard American Diet as he got older. He ate a lot of pizza and Mcdonald’s, including cheeseburgers.   Larry says around the time he turned

Francesco manages anger and depression on a carnivore lifestyle

Francesco’s Standard Italian Diet Francesco was born and raised in Italy and says he ate the Standard Italian Diet for most of his childhood and teen years. He ate a lot of bread, pasta, and a little meat– though meat was never the star of the meal. Francesco says his parents unknowingly discouraged him from eating red meat because “it

Valeria resolved her gut dysbiosis on a carnivore diet

Valeria says that she suffered from debilitating migraines for almost thirty years of her life. Her migraines sent her down a tailspin as they were difficult to treat and caused a domino effect of other debilitating ailments. All of this combined affected Valeria’s life significantly and sent her down a path of addiction. Valeria was suffering from a particular type

Julia reached pre-pregnancy weight, reduced thyroid medication on a carnivore lifestyle

Julia’s Health Struggle Before the Carnivore Diet Julia has been struggling with weight and several other health issues for most of her life. Before finding the carnivore way of eating, Julia had psoriasis, hypothyroidism, joint pain, leaky gut, and depressive moods. She also had painful warts on the bottoms of her feet, making walking difficult.   The Journey to the

Stephanie is more resilient under stress and has improved digestion on a carnivore diet

This is Stephanie, and she’s been eating carnivore for two years. She is a type I diabetic and used to struggle with digestive issues, scalp psoriasis, and, since she was a kid, ADHD. In 2014, Stephanie was diagnosed with IBS and was told to eat low FODMAP foods (fermentable carbs that can cause painful gas and bloating), take probiotics, and

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