Noelle lost weight and improved fitness on fasting, carnivore lifestyle


The day after my birthday (april 7th) I was in 303 lbs and pretty achy & sore. I decided that day to go strict carnivore. After a few days & immediate loss of 8lbs I noticed I’d loss my carb addiction & I wasn’t hungry much anymore. I work 5am-130pm shifts & could work the whole day without needing lunch.

I started fasting then and have been averaging 20 to 24hr fasts. 2 days out of the 31 I’ve been fasting I was fairly hungry and ate 2 meals that day. Otherwise it’s been a breeze, I’m down 40lbs so far & I feel great daily. Been running 2-4 miles every couple days as well fitness videos. I never went into carnivore planning to fast but I stay satiated & no longer feel the urge to eat as often as the 4+ meals a day I used to eat.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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