From 400 Pounds to Visible Abs: A Type 1 Diabetic’s Transformation
Michael lives with type 1 diabetes, diagnosed at age 14 about 27 years ago. For most of his life, he followed the standard American diet with less-than-ideal blood sugar control. By age 38, he had reached approximately 400 pounds and was experiencing severe health complications.
“I was morbidly obese. My blood sugars were all over the place. I was having nightmare hypoglycemic seizures almost on a monthly basis, scaring my family,” Michael shares. “The medics were over all the time.”
During the COVID pandemic around 2019-2020, Michael reached a turning point. “I told myself I’m not going to make it to age 40 if I don’t make serious changes,” he recalls. The catalyst came when his daughter wanted to do an activity with him, but he physically couldn’t participate due to his poor health.
Discovering Low-Carb Against Medical Advice
Michael began researching nutrition and discovered low-carb approaches. This was in stark contrast to his medical team’s recommendations to consume 60 grams of carbs with each meal and at least 30 grams with every snack.
“I was taking 210 units of insulin per day,” Michael explains. This high insulin requirement contributed to what he describes as “double diabetes” – being a type 1 diabetic who also develops type 2 diabetes characteristics.
At first, Michael adopted a low-carb, high-fat approach combined with cardio exercise. He started walking around his neighborhood and losing weight. However, he eventually hit a plateau.
The Carnivore Breakthrough
After seeing others’ success with the carnivore diet, Michael decided to try it. “I thought since low-carb works so well with blood sugar management, zero carb would be fantastic,” he explains.
Michael committed to strict carnivore for a full year. “I felt absolutely amazing,” he says. During this time, he also began serious weight lifting in addition to running.
The results were remarkable. He broke through his weight loss plateau and got down to 215 pounds. His blood sugar control improved dramatically, with his A1C levels staying at or below 5% for three years – a non-diabetic range that most type 1 diabetics are told is impossible to achieve.
Reversing Complications and Medication Reduction
One of the most significant improvements was the complete reversal of Michael’s diabetic neuropathy in his feet after about two years on the carnivore diet. This condition had developed even when his A1C was at the target range recommended by diabetes associations.
His insulin requirements dropped dramatically from 210 units daily to around 40 units – less than 20% of his previous dose. His blood sugar stabilized, with fewer extreme highs and lows.
“I had extremely high blood pressure and terrible sleep apnea, which was resolved after I lost all the weight,” Michael notes. He was able to discontinue his blood pressure medications and no longer experiences atrial fibrillation.
Animal-Based with Strategic Flexibility
Today, Michael maintains his health with a high-protein approach that remains predominantly animal-based. “I’m basically still carnivore. I’d say 90% of my calories come from animal sources, and then I eat a little bit of low-carb fruit and vegetables,” he explains.
His focus is on protein, consuming approximately 415 grams daily. “I eat lots of lean ground beef. That’s my favorite. I eat egg whites, chicken breasts, turkey,” Michael says. He enjoys using his smoker for preparing meats like brisket and top round.
At around 250 pounds now, with visible abs, Michael is the most insulin-sensitive he’s ever been. His standard deviation in blood glucose is approximately 20, compared to around 100 before his lifestyle changes.
The Key to Sustainable Success
Michael’s transformation wasn’t just about diet – it became a lifestyle change. He built a home gym during COVID, making exercise an accessible daily habit.
“The key is to make eating right and exercising every day a habit,” he explains. “You need high discipline to make it work.”
For Michael, his weight lifting routine is both physical training and stress management. He follows a push-pull-legs routine and continues to focus on building strength.
“I’ll always say that the healthiest food you can eat is eggs and beef,” Michael reflects, looking back on his remarkable journey from metabolic chaos to exceptional health.
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.