Michael treated his back pain on carnivore diet

Hi, My name is Michael. I’ve been carnivore for 3 months. This diet is crazy, let’s get that straight. Acknowledge it and own it, and you will see great benefits as I have.


Bad Diet Led To Surgery


I lived the typical American diet, with a pretty serious addiction to refined sugars. Every night I ‘d have multiple servings of sugar – sleeves of oreos, cake, and when I was trying to be healthy, pounds of frozen grapes. Of course, your typical sodas, juices etc throughout the day as well. I’m 5’5 and ballooned up to 215 lbs. I had so much belly fat that my back muscles weakened, as they were busy carrying my belly weight. In January of 2018, I started experiencing sciatica pain. This quikcly evolved into a severely herniated disc, which required surgery and 8 weeks recovery. I knew something had to change.


Experimenting With All The Diets


Looking for a different way, I started a diet plan that I thought would work for me – experimenting with different diets every 2 weeks. That way, I thought, I wouldn’t get bored of any one diet and whatever I was doing, it would be healthier than before. So I did Atkins, Vegetarian, South Beach, Vegan….and then carnivore.


Sticking It Out


My first carnivore meal after the vegan diet was incredible. But the next 13 and a half days were absolute hell. I was exhausted, my stomach was a mess, I got bored of my meals…I was miserable. But a number of people told me not to quit, that 3 weeks or so is pretty miserable and then the results came. I was skeptical and thought it was BS. I had noticed my back pain (residual from surgery months earlier) actually went away – for the first time in over a decade. I realized that when it came back when I started eating low carb for my next diet. So I decided to listen to the carnivore community and went back, and finished off 2 more weeks.


Craving Steaks


The stomach got normal, the sugar cravings went away, and I started having energy. Further more, and surprisingly, I started actually craving steaks. I realized I was trying too many different meats, trying to eat at “meal time” and not when I was hungry and was making it miserable for myself. Once I found my preferences (T-Bone, Porterhouse, Rib Eye and Strip Loin…sometimes burgers and Cheddar), all with tons of salt and butter…I would seriously crave a rib eye after dinner. I also started eating one, maybe two times per day and was fine.


So Much Energy


Now, about 3-4 months later, I feel great physically. I never had mental clarity or depression, so mentally I feel the same, except happier with how I look, as I’ve lost 35 pounds. Most importantly, no back pain, which is incredible for me. I still am extremely tired in the morning (I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea) but am a ball of energy – frequently rising at 7 am and productive well through 1 am. Also, yes, for men, the rumors of sexual energy are true and have increased.

I thought this diet was insane before I started. I knew it was insane when I started, and I still acknowledge that it seems insane. In hindsight, I can see that the results are really the only insane part.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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