Katja shares her story of overcoming depression, social anxiety and arthritis through a Carnivore diet

Katja shares her inspiring story of overcoming depression, social anxiety, and debilitating arthritis simply by following a carnivore diet. Now, she helps others find their path to better health as a coach!


Katja’s Journey to Better Health With a Carnivore Diet

“I was diagnosed with depression at age 23, but I had it since I was 12,” Katja begins. “It came with other side effects like low self-esteem and social anxiety. I struggled at school, and my family had a difficult time dealing with me because they had no idea what was wrong.” Katja began a series of medications to treat mental health conditions, including borderline personality disorder and bipolar depression. “I had massive mood swings. It was difficult to hold down a job and even more difficult because I had kids and was trying to maintain a relationship.”


Struggles With Mental Health and Arthritis

Katja took six months’ leave to address her mental health issues but discovered that her employer could no longer hold her job. “They said they had to fire me because I was too ill. I was desperate at that point!” Around the same time, Katja developed arthritis in her hands. “I got really angry about it because on top of my mental health problems, now my body started shutting down as well,” she shares.


Discovering the Healing Power of Meat-based Diets

While searching for a way to overcome all this, Katja stumbled across Mikhaila Peterson’s healing journey from severe arthritis and autoimmune issues on a meat-based diet. She started following Dr. Shawn Baker and others in the carnivore community and immediately began her journey. “I went straight into it from day one! I ate a lot of beef right from the beginning. It wasn’t appealing at first, but I began to love it after a while and couldn’t wait for my next meal.”


Adapting to a New Way of Eating and Overcoming “Keto Flu”

Katja did experience signs of “keto flu,” which can happen when people switch to a low-carb diet and don’t correctly adjust their electrolyte intake. “I didn’t know about eating until I was full, and in the beginning, my body wasn’t used to fattier cuts of meat. After about three or four weeks, I was fine, and now I”m really happy with it!” Katja enjoys the simplicity of a meat-based diet and mainly eats fatty cuts of ribeye, short rib, brisket, flank steak, and pork.


The transformative effects of a meat-based diet on mental health and physical wellbeing

“I’m doing really well!” Katja shares with a smile. “I haven’t had one single depressive or manic episode since I started a carnivore diet, which is lovely. I had to learn to trust that this is not just a good spell; this is me actually being healthy!” She believes the diet has also helped her hormone levels stabilize, and she no longer has any signs of arthritis.


“I feel alive now! I have no social anxiety anymore. I used to get panic attacks and couldn’t talk in front of people,” Katja recalls. “I work at the library and wasn’t capable of talking in front of groups. It’s no problem for me now, and I’m really enjoying building community. I’m no longer a recluse!”


Katja has more energy than ever and loves running and going to the gym. “I’m enjoying the minimalism of it. I actually have the drive to do all the things I enjoy!”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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