Jeremy got rid of all his pains on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Jeremy. I am 36 years old and 5’9″ tall.


Starting at my worst shape ever

About a year ago I was in the worst physical and mental shape of my entire life. Though I had a little excessive body fat, you couldn’t always tell just by looking at me what state I was in. I had, at that time, recently found a desk job as an engineer, after working in a manufacturing shop for almost 20 years. So, my health started declining even more. My joints and pains increased. I was tired all the time. Always hungry. My mood was always on the lower side no matter the situation. And, just trying to do a little bit of exercise seemed so hard that I would often give up right away feeling helpless.


Starting low carb

One night I was sitting on the couch and watched an interesting documentary on low carb diets. I won’t say which one in case that’s not allowed. But, it seemed to make a little sense. And, I felt so bad in every aspect I said why not try it? Even if it’s a small change and it makes one thing easier. The next day I dove head first into low carb. Not knowing really anything about the details. At the end of the first day, I was really hungry. But, other than that I had lost 5 pounds of water weight and noticed that my day flown by faster than usual. That’s where this journey began.


Documenting my progress

I have always had a little trouble retaining information from reading. Though not enough to hinder any success in school or my career. So, I decided to look at YouTube to see what was out there for quick and easy information on this. At the same time, being of an engineer mindset, I decided to document my progress. Not really thinking that it might help others in the future. But, for my own motivation if I wasn’t feeling it one day. Or, maybe for reflecting on what had happened if I happen to fail. I started by taking a picture in my bathroom mirror after the first day. Downloaded an app to track my macros that allowed pictures of meals and recipes to be attached. And, found a few good sources of information online.


Going through the changes

Throughout the first 4 months I had gone through all sorts of physical and mental changes. Starting with my electrolytes flushing out. Then studying more and fixing it. My body slowly transitioned to burning fat instead of glucose. Which at first made me really tired. But, studied more on this problem and held in strong. I had the usual beginning symptoms of diarrhea for a little while. And, I couldn’t sleep. I just didn’t feel like it. At the end of this 4 months, everything started to lift. Like a weight on my shoulders I didn’t even know was there. And, because of all the questions I had along the way, I had studied so much that I had a large number of videos, studies, and websites saved for my reference. Along with that came many more names of professionals in this field that gave new strength to the idea that I indeed had control of myself. And, that everything was not hopeless.


And finally, carnivore

I had been finding more and more in information about the carnivore diet along the way. And, though not really having too many problems when I ate vegetables, I never much gravitated toward them. After reaching my goal weight and losing 85 pounds, I had enough information and was in a perfect state to try this new thing. I then started carnivore and  a small workout routine.


Everything is better

Though I had not had the luxury of getting any blood work done, I am very in tune to what happens and how I feel with anything that goes in my mouth. I have been on this new regimen for a little over a month, and….

  • I  have now lost a total of 90 pounds since the beginning.
  • I’m down 10 pant sizes.
  • I am almost never hungry.
  • I have energy all day.
  • My focus is better than when I was at teenager.
  • My libido has increased substantially.
  • I have virtually no inflammation.
  • No more joint pain.
  • A small benign lump on my testicle has disappeared.
  • The floaters in my eyes have decreased in number.
  • My skin is clearer.
  • And, my mood has normalized.
  • I have more patience and understanding now than ever before.
  • Over all I just feel healthy in every way.

N of 1

In my journey I have found that although studying others is important, it is more important to study your own body. Everyone is different. And, the N of 1 is ultimately what’s going to make the difference when you really want to change your life for the better.


I hope my story helps even just one person wondering if all this is real. It’s only real if you let it be real. And, that’s the first step. Be open to new ideas and study everything.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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