My name is George. I am a 21 years old. I currently weigh 297 lbs. After listening to Dr Shawn Baker on JRE, I was convinced that the Carnivore diet would be worth a try for me. Whilst I was overweight this was a very low issue on my list.
Injured but setting powerlifting records
At 18 years old I had set 9 powerlifting world records and won 3 classes at the world championships. I was extremely proud that I had maintained a weight below 275lbs (265 was my average weight) despite smashing meals as I wished, priding myself on high consumption levels being offset by my training intensity.
But a year prior I had torn my left glute, I had not let it heal correctly and continued to train. I regularly needed time off in order to cope with the pain level I’d be in, often unable to walk. Thankfully my sport requires standing, laying and standing.
Too much pain to walk or sit
After becoming a world champion, this pain just got worse and worse. Starting a full time job, I suddenly had a requirement to be able to walk to and from work. This was a struggle. I dialed down training intensity until I trained no more and lived every day in pain. My eating continued, both to console my pain and because it was the only thing I could still do. I shot up to 450lbs eventually. Fat, unhealthy, and in pain. Even sitting in my car was a struggle!
Obese, in pain and holding onto my dignity
A year ago I was 20 years old, severely obese, in constant dire pain and had doubts I’d make it past 50 years old. A life that short would seem like a death sentence, but for me, 30 more years of this… that’s what seemed like a punishment!!
Losing weight on pain killers
I went down to 370 lbs, but needed pain killers to move around at all, and was still in great pain. The doctors found I had degenerative disc disease, causing sciatica, and there was nothing they could do. This pain was what I faced for the rest of my life. Up until December 2017. Then carnivore began…
Walking and cycling again
Now I walk regularly. I went from an average of below quarter mile a day to averaging 3-4 miles per day (6,000 to 7,000 steps), including a steep 1 mile uphill walk daily! On top of that, I now cycle places I would often drive to, and I don’t have to make my fiancée take breaks every 20 seconds whilst walking. I’ve lost another 50lb and my muscles feel full and strong despite little to no weight training. I can visit zoos, go shopping, and most importantly, enjoy life.
A year ago I was 20 years old, severely obese, in constant dire pain and had doubts I’d make it past 50 years old. A life that short would seem like a death sentence, but for me, 30 more years of this… that’s what seemed like a punishment!! Now I look forward to every day! I can’t wait to be in good, healthy shape! To make the most of my life and make the most of it with my beautiful fiancée who I can only thank for being so patient and helping me through this journey.
Thank you Dr Shawn for the new lease of life you have given me, and good luck to everyone else who is looking at this way of eating. The changes the carnivore diet makes to you may be big or small, but I hope they are as positive for you as they are for me!
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.