Darby manages graves’ disease and type 1 diabetes on low-carb diet

Darby’s Life Before the Carnivore Diet


Darby grew up being plagued by every kind of allergy imaginable. At five years old, he was diagnosed with hundreds—from trees to weeds to bee stings and everything in between. At 11, he needed reconstructive sinus surgery due to the many sinus infections over the years and later had to have his tonsils out as well. 


The allergy shots helped a bit as the years passed, but his health problems inhibited his ability to engage in the sports he loved. Fast forward to 2013, and Darby begins to experience heart palpitations, which are dismissed by doctors, as they advised him simply to “stay away from caffeine.”


The Discovery of the Carnivore Diet


In 2015, he was hospitalized for a heart attack and two weeks later with another one again. This time, his doctor was wise enough to check his thyroid panel. He was diagnosed with Graves’ disease and was given more medication to manage yet another health condition. 


In a moment of sheer desperation, he prayed for an answer. Not long after, he found Shawn Baker and the Carnivore Diet community.


He was able to feel a bit better and add a few pounds to his underweight frame, but in January of this year, there was even more crushing news. Darby was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes. In his mid-thirties, his mind was filled with dread as to what could possibly come next. In a moment of sheer desperation, he prayed for an answer. Not long after, he found Shawn Baker and the Carnivore.Diet community.


“Behold, I was messing around YouTube, and I stumbled upon you and Dr. Ken Berry initially, so I started watching video after video…and realized that maybe my issue had been plant material this entire time. What is it that is causing my body to attack itself? Is it the oxalates? Is it the lectins?”


Darby’s Journey on the Carnivore Diet


In March, Darby slowly transitioned to the carnivore diet, and after two weeks, he didn’t need to take insulin anymore. By mid-April, he was able to come off his Graves’ disease medication, and this past October, his labs revealed his thyroid hormone levels were completely normal.


Now, he’s able to do things he’s only dreamed of; running, lifting weights, and carrying his daughter on his shoulders for hours at Disney World. He’s also free from the allergies and sinus infections that have haunted him his whole life.


“It’s absolutely amazing. It completely blew my mind, and—it’s strangely satisfying. I do not have a craving to eat anything but meat anymore.”


The Impact of the Carnivore Diet on Darby’s Health


Darby started off doing a strict version of the carnivore diet—his meals consisted of red meat, salt, and water. He has since branched out to add pork, eggs, and chicken, but he’s planning to go back to a stricter approach soon, as he believes that was one of the reasons for his rapid recovery.


“I can’t say how truly thankful I am—from the bottom of my heart—for what [Shawn Baker] and people like Ken Berry and Anthony Chaffee do on a daily basis to try and help people because it really, truly is amazing. It’s a miracle—like nothing I’ve ever seen. I was told that you can’t cure this. This is what you’re going to be for the rest of your life. If it wasn’t for you…I would have never known. I would have just stayed sick on the SAD diet getting sicker.”


As far as Darby’s concerned, he has a new lease on life, and when asked whether this diet is worth the risks, he says, “Bring it on!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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