Dan improved his joint pain, brain fog, sleep and skin on carnivore diet

I am 63 years old, and after listening to Dr. Shawn Baker, I started the Carnivore diet on August 19, 2019, eating only ribeyes, hamburger meat, and some eggs. 


As of this picture, I am almost six months into my journey, and I have gone from weighing 235 lbs. to 191 lbs…a total loss (so far) of 44 lbs…with some more fat to still lose.


Losing Migraines and Improving Skin on Carnivore 


While I started the Carnivore diet in an effort to lose weight, like so many others, I have experienced a lot of unexpected blessings.


For one, I used to have a migraine headache at least twice a week, and since being on Carnivore, I haven’t had one migraine headache at all! I had itchy, rashy skin, which has gone away, and achy joints in my hands that disappeared within the first two weeks of starting my new way of eating.


My thinking has become so much sharper, and I’m not searching for my words when I talk anymore. They just seem to flow from my brain to my mouth effortlessly. I have so much more energy, and the quality of my sleep has improved significantly.


I know that there are many others who have experienced greater healing than what I have shared, but for me, at 63, I feel like I’ve died and gone to Heaven! I know that I am going to die someday, but my goal is to do so still on my feet and with my mind intact.


I want to thank you, Dr. Shawn, for carrying the burden of leading the way for all of us to a healthier and happier way of living. If I ever get to meet you, I’m going to shake your hand and express my gratitude to you in person!


God bless you!


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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