Craig improved sleep, mental clarity, is staying sober on carnivore diet

From 312lbs Alcoholic to a Healthier Life Thanks to the Carnivore Diet


Four months ago, I was a 312 lbs alcoholic. I was on antidepressants and had sleep apnea. I was killing myself. I knew that I needed a change.


I had tried switching to vegan, of all things to lose weight the month prior, but I just never felt right on it; I had low energy, figuring out my macros consumed a lot of my time, and no matter how I altered the diet, I was always hungry. It was as I was about to give up that I saw the transformations of the Bell brothers and saw you on the Joe Rogan podcast.



Trying Everything But Finding Success With the Carnivore Diet


Even though at first I thought carnivore sounded crazy, I eventually realized it couldn’t be crazier than the way I was killing myself with how I was already eating. I decided to jump in head first and commit.


I lost 15 lbs in the first couple of weeks, my energy improved, and I finally felt capable of getting back to the gym (something I loved before I wrecked my body and health with food and alcohol).


This was when I started seeing enormous changes in my body composition. By the end of the second month, I was down more than 40 lbs and felt amazing.


The Success of a Red Meat-heavy Carnivore Style Diet


Here I am, a little over four months in. I am down to 235 lbs, wearing a smaller pant size than I did when I played college baseball, and have completely altered my body. I have drastically increased my lean muscle mass, and I feel like a completely different person.


The Transformation: From 307lbs to 240lbs With Increased Lean Muscle Mass


I stand today 133 days sober, entirely free of medication, with no more sleep apnoea, more mental clarity than I have ever had, and living my life to the fullest. Not only did you and the carnivore diet get me in better shape, but you quite literally saved my life. 


In my early years, I was an elite-level baseball player, playing Division 1 NCAA ball as a right-handed pitcher.


After my playing career, I yo-yo’d up and down in weight and could never find something that worked. I had tried all the restrictive calorie diets, even going vegan, for a while but just couldn’t stick with anything because I was always starving. It wasn’t until I started a carnivore diet that I saw real success.


The Impact of Throwing Out Social Concepts and Embracing the Carnivore Diet


For the last three months, I have been eating a red meat-heavy carnivore-style diet, I gave up alcohol, and I am diligent with my workouts. I have gone from 307lbs to 235lbs and drastically increased my lean muscle mass.


Thanks to outside-of-the-box thinking and throwing out the social concept of demonizing red meat, I have never felt healthier, and my energy in all aspects of my life shows it. Thank you for being the voice for this important movement. 


Forever indebted,



Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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