Weight loss

Real People, Real Results.

Matt improved his PSA and testosterone on carnivore diet

Matt’s Background Matt is a fifty-two-year-old prostate cancer survivor with a carnivore diet healing story. Previously, he says that “I was following a standard American diet; my mom is the quintessential Italian lady… buckets full of pasta in the house all the time; that’s how I grew up.”   He says that his diet when he was growing up was

Lester improved his fitness, pain, and body composition on a carnivore diet

I am a 69-year-old male and have been 99% carnivore for eight months.   Fifteen years ago, I had surgery and chemotherapy for testicular cancer. Now I have Hypothyroidism and Hypogonadism.   Lester’s Experience with Carnivore  During the first two months of Carnivore, my energy went up, tripled my push-ups, doubled my pull-ups, gained more knee/hip flexibility, and added 15

Cory improved his chronic joint pain and mood on a carnivore diet

I’m Cory, I was a chubby kid and by 26 I was fat and very unhappy with myself. I started going to the gym in hopes to “lose weight”. After lifting for awhile I got addicted to the iron and lost touch with how fat I was, because I was getting strong. At 30 years old, I juiced (vegetables) all

Nolan improved his digestion, skin, and lost 35 lbs on a carnivore diet

I’ve been carnivore for just under 2 years now. For the first 6-7 months, I was 100% strict. Since then I’ve been about 90-95% carnivore with the occasional cheat meal. I was overweight before going carnivore and have lost about 35 pounds since then. I’m 6’2″ and went from 225 to 190. I have way more energy and drink less

Elsie improved multiple sclerosis, and digestion on a carnivore diet

This WOE works! (female, 61 yrs.) Paleo 3/4 yrs, was good but now plant free with Carni+Eggs f ALL symptoms improved or gone: neuro (MS)100% remission, sinusitis of 30 yrs: gone, GI healed(fiber-free), old injuries/pain improved. Body improvement: 17 BMI, lean w/16% BF w/muscles, youthful : smooth, wrinkle free skin, clear eyes & vision, sharper brain, better nails, teeth, +

Joshua healed his IBS on a carnivore diet

Hi Mr Shawn, I’m from the FB group Principia Carnivora. IBS and a lot of pain I’ve been battling terrible IBS since I got food poisoning in 2005. So it’s been 12 years of consistent diarrhoea, pain and always having to be near a toilet. Unexplained weight gain around the belly, excessive sweating, drop in exercise performance, water retention and

Carly got scurvy from eating fruit and healed it on a carnivore diet

Hello, I have a younger point of view than most I know, and I hope it is useful. My name is Carly, and I am a tenth-grader in America.   I Almost Died   Let’s start with my early life. I was born to a long line of diabetics, those with chronic diseases and obesity. My mother was a diabetic

Jodey improved body composition on a carnivore diet

Hi Shawn, I want to tell you about my experience with the carnivore diet. From keto to carnivore I’ve been eating a highly meat based ketogenic diet for a year now, basically meat and kale and broccoli with lots of butter.  Then 4 months ago I decided after a lot of research and thought (and getting my head around the

Kevin heals digestive issues on carnivore diet

Kevin is twenty-two years old and is attending college. He says, “I’m 5’ 10”, and I currently weigh around 196 pounds. I’ve been doing carnivore for a little over two months.” He had been following a ketogenic diet before and had lost 130 pounds that way. He lost a little more weight on carnivore: “I recently have lost twenty pounds

Anonymous improved aches, pains, chronic inflammation on carnivore diet

Thanks Shawn for all you do and your dedication to this very important issue. I used to be very athletic in my youth and then got into the low fat, white meat only, trying to include more and more vegetables, grains and vegetable proteins. I started to develop aches and pains and attributed them to age, like I guess pickup

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