Weight loss

Real People, Real Results.

Lindsey Achieved Overall Health

The Journey Begins: From a Healthy Diet to Pregnancy Weight Gain   Lindsey grew up eating a healthy version of the Standard American Diet, that included plenty of fruits, veggies, and the occasional sweet treat. An avid dancer, she took classes up to six days a week, and was able to maintain a trim figure with ease. After meeting her

Donna G Healed from Adrenal Insufficiency

Struggles With Weight Loss and Health Issues   I have felt fat my whole life. I have struggled my whole life to just keep off a few pounds. At my heaviest I was 326 pounds. I used HCG, a notso-great way to lose weight and ended up at 170. I was happy there, but again it was a struggle to

Tony resolved his issue with Blepharitis on a carnivore lifestyle

Tony’s Journey to a Meat-Based Diet   Growing up, Tony was always a bit overweight. By the time he entered middle school, he was looking for a way to get fit, so he started hitting up the gym. He fell in love with being active—as well as the sport of wrestling—but even with all of the additional exercise, he still

Hamid healed depression and built more muscle on a carnivore lifestyle

Hamid is a 25 years old Iranian man, living in Germany. He has been athletic since the age of 15, playing basketball or sprinting. His diet journey began when he wanted more muscle and to “bulk up some.”   Hamid was 75 kilos at the time and watched some Youtube videos to learn how to bulk up. He used whey

Dovile healed cystic acne and lost weight on a carnivore lifestyle

Dovile’s Health Struggles and Previous Diets   Dovile was “pretty healthy” her whole life, except for cystic acne and gut problems. She was on a high-fat low-carb diet for two years, but achieved it with lots of vegetables, nuts and seeds. Her acne never went away, and it got worse in her 30’s, with deep pimples that left scars. She

John reduced A1C to a healthy range, reversed digestive problem on a carnivore lifestyle

John is sixty-three years old and says he has weighed over three hundred pounds twice in his lifetime. John says for many years, he didn’t eat well. In 2001, he entered a competition that required him to lose weight. While preparing for the competition, John followed a vegan diet and lost sixty pounds. John says he received many compliments from

Bruno improved blood sugar, triglycerides, joint pain, stiffness on a carnivore diet

Bruno has been struggling with his weight for most of his life. He describes struggling with a sugar and carbohydrate addiction and says by the time he was a teenager, he was obese. While in his early twenties, he suspected he had hypothyroidism.   He took his concerns to his doctor, who responded, “That’s a condition for women.” Still, Bruno

Nicola lost weight, came off antidepressants all from a carnivore way of eating

Nicola’s Struggles with Weight and Health Issues   Nicola has struggled with her weight for her entire life and describes herself as always obese. Nicola says she has struggled with food cravings and binge eating, particularly with foods containing carbohydrates and sugar. Nicola has also struggled with depression, anxiety, and debilitating panic attacks. She was on antidepressants for over ten

Ryan healed depression, obesity, sleep apnoea, addictions all from a carnivore lifestyle

Ryan’s Struggle with Food Addiction and Weight Gain   Ryan spent many years of his life yo-yo dieting. He experimented with vegetarian, vegan, and pescatarian diets but had relatively zero success. At his heaviest, Ryan weighed over 340 pounds.   Ryan says he recognizes that he has a food addiction and an addiction to beer. Ryan also developed severe bloating

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