Skin Health

Real People, Real Results.

Wendy improved brain fog, and digestive issues on a carnivore diet

I recently completed my first year as a 100% carnivore, eating only meat, fish, salt, and water. For 41 years, I had been vegan/vegetarian, being almost totally vegan during that time.   When I became vegan in the 1970s, it was because I believed that all meat production was cruel (‘meat is murder’!!) and that a plant-based diet is clean

Sean resolved bad acne, chest pains, bloating, eczema on carnivore diet

Left: Mid-teens, I gained 28lbs eating 6 small meals a day, high in fibre and grains and fruit. I had bad acne, chest pains, bloating, gas, eczema, and was very insecure about how I looked. Right: Almost 2 years of bacon and eggs later, 1-2 meals a day, all issues resolved. Results are not typical. All viewers of this content,

Dain improves in sleep, anxiety, dandruff, tinnitus on carnivore diet

I’ve been eating this way for 3 weeks (I keep eating to a 6 hour window). Changes are as follows: Life long dandruff gone in a week Sleeping better then ever Cleanest skin I have ever had – not one zit on my body Tinnitus I have had for years is greatly reduced Endless energy Anxiety greatly reduced Overall better

Corina eliminates depression and anxiety on carnivore diet

As a kid I loved meat, fish, cheese and butter. Since I am from Switzerland, I certainly had my share of good quality cheeses. In particular the goat and sheep cheeses were my favourite. Unfortunately, Switzerland is also famous for its delicious chocolate. I stuffed my face with it daily. I was definitely a sugar junkie. Fruits and vegetables had

Sly improved her anorexia and bulimia on a carnivore diet

My Journey With Veganism And Bulimia   During my early college years, I decided to go vegan (thanks to some very persuasive vegan documentaries), and from there, I wanted to “step up my game,” so I went raw vegan. My diet before that wasn’t the standard American diet.    It was very clean paleo – whole fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken,

Dominic improved fitness, immune system, mood, skin on carnivore diet

I have been working with ketosis for 4 years. Carnivore since middle of December, not looking back now. Growing muscle mass, while staying incredibly shredded at 82kg at the moment. Deadlifting over triple my bodyweight and going for the 80kg-85kg British deadlift record. Prior to carnivore, my lifts were not going up and only slowly when improving. Mental energy and

Filip improved his knee pain and 29 more health issues on a carnivore diet

A Long List Of Improvements   These are my health improvements after one year of cutting out all plants and dairy from my diet. Healed knee: I had a bike accident as a kid and have always felt a slight pain in my knee since then. My knee is now completely healed. The healing process took six months, and my

Rick improved cardiovascular health, fitness, joint pain on carnivore diet

Carnivore way of eating for 5 months. Cardiovascular: My blood pressure dropped from 130/90 to 95/65 (lowest). Triglyceride to HDL ratio 1.42, down to 1.17 Joints: Knee pain gone. Nerves: Tremor in left little finger gone, depression and anxiety gone. Energy up: Doing push-ups and cycling. Skin: Fingernails not ridging. Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those

Margaret heals digestion, mood, sleep, and fatigue on a carnivore diet

Five Areas of Improvement on the Carnivore Diet   Margaret shares her incredible results on a zero-carb carnivore diet in just six weeks. Beginning with an LCHF diet (low-carbohydrate, high-fat) on September 18, 2017, she transitioned to a carnivore diet on November 9, 2017.   Before shifting away from carbohydrates, Margaret had grown accustomed to consuming high amounts of fiber,

Marina heals from pms on a carnivore diet

Marina’s Struggle With PMS Symptoms   Marina is a Pilates instructor from Russia who credits the Carnivore Diet for healing her PMS symptoms, rosacea, and fatigue. She grew up eating a lot of meat and animal fats but eventually caved into the pressure to add whole grains and olive oil.   The trouble started after she gave birth to her

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