
Real People, Real Results.

Daniel and Ed thrive on a carnivore diet

Ed started a keto diet as a way to improve his focus and productivity and noticed that it provided more consistent energy. His father had been working on losing weight and had lost weight and found his productivity and mood improved on a carnivore diet. Ed wanted these gains for himself, so he started the diet also. “I was like,

Claire overcame anorexia nervosa and depression on a low-carb diet

Claire’s Struggle with Anorexia Nervosa   Growing up in France, Claire ate the typical French diet rich in saturated fat and protein. A dancer, she was naturally thin like her fellow ballerinas-in-training. Constant comparisons as to who was the slimmest, however, led Claire to develop body-image issues, and as she entered her teenage years, she started to restrict her eating.

Travis improved mental health, skin issues, and ulcerative colitis on a carnivore diet

Travis’ Challenging Health Journey   Travis is a health coach with a focus on a carnivore diet. He has had quite the health journey to get where he is today! Let’s take a look at his experiences.   Travis didn’t start life on an easy path, experiencing his first heart operation when he was only three years old. By the

Dave improves stroke symptoms on carnivore diet

Dave’s Stroke and Health Struggles   Born in Scotland and raised in Australia, Dave’s family relocated to the city of Melbourne when he was just a wee lad of six years old. One morning, in his last year of high school, he woke up feeling strange. “I thought, ‘What’s wrong with me? Have I got a virus? I feel kind

Marcel manages psoriatic arthritis on the carnivore diet

Marcel’s Health Challenges and Struggle to Find a Solution   Marcel is working on completing his Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) training and is focused on health. But health was something that was eluding him. Perhaps his health challenges were one of the things that made him decide to be a healthcare provider as well.   Marcel’s Journey with Psoriasis and

Josh manages eczema on a low-carb diet

Josh’s Health Struggles   Josh lives in Richland County, Ohio, and has been a Doctor of Chiropractic since June 2021. As a child, he had eczema, particularly on his fingers. He also had lifelong allergies and asthma, which he was diagnosed with at five years old.   Seeking Answers   When he was in chiropractic school, Josh’s eczema and allergies

Jessalyn improved acne, constipation, weight gain, and mood swings on a carnivore diet

Hi, My name is Jessalyn. I have been on Carnivore since January 2020.   Previous Health Issues   Before I found this way of eating, I suffered from chronic constipation (only going poop about once every three to four weeks for almost 19 years of my life). I tried eating more fiber, but that did not help. Eventually, I went

Evan E reverses ankylosing spondylitis on a carnivore diet

Ever since Evan was young, he had an insatiable hunger that caused him to binge, in addition to his other daily struggles of ADHD, OCD, brain fog, and fatigue. When he turned eleven—embarrassed by his heavy frame—he decided to go on a diet.   Following Conventional Wisdom: Low-Calorie/Low-Fat Diet   Following the conventional wisdom at the time, he started eating

Darby manages graves’ disease and type 1 diabetes on low-carb diet

Darby’s Life Before the Carnivore Diet   Darby grew up being plagued by every kind of allergy imaginable. At five years old, he was diagnosed with hundreds—from trees to weeds to bee stings and everything in between. At 11, he needed reconstructive sinus surgery due to the many sinus infections over the years and later had to have his tonsils

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