Autoimmune Health

Real People, Real Results.

Donna manages Graves’ disease and osteporosis on a carnivore diet

Donna finds herself navigating the challenging waters of her husband’s death, living alone, and managing her health issues all at once. A self-proclaimed nutrition enthusiast, Donna discovers the carnivore diet during her quest to alleviate her health problems, specifically Graves’ disease and osteoporosis. Embracing the Carnivore Lifestyle Four years after her husband’s passing, Donna feels whole and happy again. She

Jill manages weight, PCOS, and Hashimoto’s on a carnivore diet

Jill’s health journey has been a rollercoaster ride. After years of battling weight gain and managing an array of health issues, including Hashimoto’s disease and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), she finds solace in the carnivore diet. Her story is an inspiring testament to the power of dietary changes and commitment. Finding The Carnivore Diet Jill’s journey to the carnivore diet

Tanner heals from Crohn’s disease, eczema, and being underweight on a carnivore diet

Tanner is 32 years old and located in Missoula, Montana where he has spent most of his life. Growing up in the 1990s and 2000s, Tanner ate the standard American diet full of processed foods and sugar. At age 14, Tanner was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease following a colonoscopy after years of digestive issues. He was severely anemic and entering

Cassi overcame ankylosing spondylitis, Bartonella, and Lyme disease on a carnivore diet

Cassi began her carnivore journey in August 2022. In 2020, Cassi developed back pain that was so bad that she could hardly walk. She was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a painful autoimmune disease that causes the joints in the spine to become inflamed. Her condition continued to worsen, and she began using a walker. She was 28. Cassi needed answers.

Ashley manages multiple sclerosis on the carnivore diet

Ashley’s Story and Diagnosis of MS   Ashley lives in the eastern United States, and Ashley’s diet for most of her life was “meat and two vegetables.” She says that she wasn’t a sweet eater and didn’t eat much junk food either.   She says, “I have MS; I was diagnosed in 2019.” Ashley has gotten remission, or a cure,

Travis improved focus, anxiety disorder, OCD, depression, psoriasis, and blood sugar on the carnivore diet

Travis’s Medical Background   Travis is in Calgary, Canada, and was born with coarctation of the aorta, also nearly three months premature. He says there were “lots of complications because of that.”   Travis explains, “I’ve had eight heart operations and two gastrointestinal because my aorta was actually plumbed to my stomach artery. Because that got infected, it was a

Rory improved Joint Pain, Skin problems, Gut Health, and aches On The Carnivore Diet

Rory’s Journey to Carnivore   Rory is from Brisbane, Australia, and says, “I’ve had health problems my whole life; diagnosed at four as an asthmatic. I had my tonsils taken out. From that point, I’ve had a lot of health issues, mainly asthma, gut-related stuff, food intolerances, and then acne, as I became a teenager.   As an adult, I

Dennis manages chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) on carnivore diet

Dennis’s Diagnosis and Treatment Journey   Dennis is 43, an army vet, and was a bodybuilder before he was diagnosed with CIPD—a rare autoimmune disorder characterized by a gradual weakness in the arms and legs.   When Dennis turned 40, he noticed that his legs and feet would go numb, his arms would ache, he fell a lot, and he’d

Daniel and Ed thrive on a carnivore diet

Ed started a keto diet as a way to improve his focus and productivity and noticed that it provided more consistent energy. His father had been working on losing weight and had lost weight and found his productivity and mood improved on a carnivore diet. Ed wanted these gains for himself, so he started the diet also. “I was like,

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