Amy improved adrenal health, fitness, mood, mental health on carnivore diet

Left: Amy at 21 years old, 216 pounds; Right: Amy at 43 years old, 120 pounds


I’m Amy, I’m 43 years old, married with 4 children (4, 13, 21, and 24). I’m a nutritional therapy practitioner (NTP).

Before I became a nutritionist I was a personal trainer. Food and nutrition has been my passion for many years. However, I grew up on the standard American diet. After the birth of my first baby I fell for the “fat free” scam and subsequently became super depressed and gained tons of weight. At which point I got pregnant with baby number 2 and proceeded to gain an additional 67lbs!

I spent the next 6 or 7 years miserable. Counting calories. Trying to starve then binging on food. Laying in bed every night hating myself for screwing up. Vowing “tomorrow would be different!” Exercising the whole time, mind you! Many thousands of hours spent on the elliptical or treadmill!

Years passed. I thought I was “normal” with my daily headaches (there’s a king size bottle of Tylenol at Costco for a reason, right?!), heartburn, knee pain, depression, irritability, PMS, debilitating cramps, awful skin, breakouts, skin tags (eww), gray hairs starting in my 20’s, frequent colds, the flu and an epic string of strep throat (8 times in 15 months! And yes, antibiotics every single time… I shudder at the thought).

I didn’t lose weight in any miraculous or healthy way initially. I tried Metabolife and it certainly worked. I drank coffee all day and starved myself. This went on for awhile, I did give up the Metabolife thank God but kept on counting calories and fat grams and hours at the gym. At 5’5″ I hovered around 140lbs doing this.

Fast forward a few years, I started doing CrossFit and Paleo. I attended a nutrition seminar held by Robb Wolf and committed to “30 days of Paleo”. That was over 8 years ago. And believe me, the early days were full of many mistakes! Cheat days, sugar free popsicles, nasty chemicals, splenda in my coffee, you name it!

Since then I’ve spent most of my years on a keto/paleo template. I did tinker with higher carb paleo for a year. That was awful. I gained about 10 lbs of solid fat. Didn’t feel any better and my strength did not improve one iota!

I really only tried a carnivore diet out of sheer curiosity! (I thought that Baker guy was nuts! Lol) I already felt “pretty good”, or so I thought… however:

    • I had random gallbladder pain
    • occasional heartburn
    • my hair was falling out!!
    • my strength was stalled. I hadn’t improved any of my lifts in years (I do powerlifting. For fun, not competitively)
    • my mood, while better wasn’t great
    • my joints were a little achy especially if I sat in the same position for a long time. Which I chalked up to normal.
    • I was still fairly lean but not quite as lean as I had been previously. I’d pretty much lost all visible abs. Which I attributed to a reduction in exercise. And age.
    • my cycle was ok, although it took takes to “get going” – start, stop, start, stop.
    • I had adrenal fatigue (low cortisol all day)

I actually love veggies (with loads of fat, of course!) So, I figured I would try the carnivore thing and maybe last a week.

Within 8 days (I think) I got my first pullup EVER. Keep in mind I’ve been training seriously for over 20 years and never gotten a pull up before!

This almost surreal zen feeling came over me… I can’t explain it, but I knew I had no desire to stop! I started losing weight and body fat… my abs came back! At 5’5″ I went from maybe 130lbs to 117-120lbs and 13% body fat.

  • My heartburn, gone
  • My gallbladder pain, gone
  • My mood and energy shot through the roof
  • Zero joint pain/stiffness
  • My cycle is perfect! Starts like normal, no cramps or PMS at all!
  • While I have not tested my cortisol levels again, all my symptoms of adrenal fatigue are gone!

Cooking and shopping is SO EASY! I have a family of four and we all eat basically the same.

After over 6 months I continue to see improvements in the gym. I eat primarily beef, pork, chicken. A little bit of cheese and eggs. I generally eat twice a day. Around 2lbs a day on average. I drink alcohol a few times a month (tequila). I don’t cheat at all. I have no desire.

For a nutritionist, this is a huge paradigm shift! But, all you need is an open mind and a willingness to experiment!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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