Julia improved her life on a carnivore lifestyle

From Plant-Based to Carnivore Diet: A Life-Changing Transformation

Julia is 33 years old and has struggled with mental health and weight for most of her life. Since beginning a carnivore diet, Julia has discovered how foods affect her moods and how eating only meat has restored her sense of well-being.


The Impact of Diet on Mental Health: Julia’s Journey

For many years, Julia had followed a plant-based diet and suffered from severe depression. “I weighed 95 kilos (209 pounds) and had suicidal thoughts every day for 17 years,” Julia shares. “It was normal for me to wake up and want to die.” After a fight with her boyfriend, Julia was looking for a way to get her weight under control. She started a ketogenic diet, and within 16 days, she noticed her suicidal thoughts had completely vanished! “For the first time in my life, I didn’t want to die all the time. I didn’t know I was so sick until I wasn’t.”


Discovering the Effects of Different Foods on Mood and Well-Being

After several months of adhering to a strict keto diet, Julia decided to eat pizza. The next day, her suicidal thoughts returned. Julia was curious about different foods affected her, so she kept a detailed journal of what foods she ate and how her moods changed accordingly. “I noticed that gluten makes me sad and hate myself, and rice makes me have social anxiety,” Julia explains. “Corn makes me feel angry, and coffee makes me really irritated at people.” It became clear to Julia that her hypersensitivity to plants could be the cause of her mental health struggles.


The Benefits of a Meat-Based Diet: Hormonal Function and Emotional Stability

Julia had been following a plant-based ketogenic diet, but about a year ago, she started to crave pork rinds. Her cravings for meat were so intense she had dreams about it. Adding meat to her diet made a noticeable improvement in her mental health. “I started to feel more peaceful,” she recalls, “something I had never felt before. I didn’t know what peace was!” Julia could connect with her spirituality for the first time, something she directly attributes to consuming animal products and eliminating all plants from her diet.


“Going carnivore has shown me that my mental stability completely depends on what I consume,” Julia notes. She strictly adheres to beef, eggs, and cheese. This simple way of eating has improved her hormonal function and emotional stability. She no longer has painful periods and has a better relationship with herself and others.


Spreading the Message: Julia’s Carnivore Experience on Instagram

Julia has lost over 40 kilos (88 pounds) and has a flat stomach for the first time. “I now enjoy life like never before, and I don’t take things personally anymore.” Julia is free from obsessive and suicidal thoughts. She continues to learn as much as possible about how plants affect human behavior. “I’m so grateful to Dr. Shawn Baker and Mikhaila Peterson. I feel like they saved my life!”


Switching from a vegan diet to a carnivore diet is the best decision Julia has made for her health. She shares her carnivore experience on Instagram and hopes to spread the message to those looking to improve their lives through a meat-based diet. “I’m more relaxed. My whole way of thinking is better now. I have more discipline. It’s wonderful what I have discovered!”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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