JL healed her prolapsed pelvic floor on a carnivore diet

From Competitor To Unhealthy: A Personal Weight Journey


Thank you for featuring my picture on your Instagram! My success is short since I just started Carnivore “correctly” on July 1st, 2020.


I had done a very dirty version in 2018, which, of course, did not last that long as I was coming from the Keto Community and still eating artificial sweeteners and lots of dairy, and my weight slowly crept back up since my fasting windows shortened significantly.


A little history about me. I was always thin growing up and never had a weight problem until I started “dieting”.. so since 2001, I’ve managed to keep myself in a perpetual cycle of gain/lose/gain/lose.


I’ve done the Body-For-Life challenge several times in 2006 and 2008, lol. I finally hit my major milestone in competitions and became an NPC competitor from 2012-2013.


I was published in 2 fitness magazines, then completely crashed after my last competition because I killed my adrenals and became extremely unhealthy in the brain (anxiety & depression).


I gained 60 lbs, then in 2017, started a new journey of Keto/IF. I was very successful because I could fast forever and lost 50 lbs in 5 months.


During this time, I struggled with severe health problems, and my fasting windows just got smaller and smaller, and sure enough, over time, my weight just kept creeping back. In between, I did eat a few weeks here & there of a very SAD diet.


Right after my 40th birthday (April), I threw my back out for a few weeks, and I was told by my “lady” Dr. that I had a prolapsed pelvic floor that was contributing to the back pain, and I was at risk for surgery if I didn’t do physical therapy. I was shocked and knew that I had to really look at my lifestyle not as a “weight loss” journey but as a major correction of my body journey.


Discovering Carnivore Diet And Its Surprising Health Benefits


I remembered Shawn Baker’s interview with Joe Rogan and how simple he kept it regarding Carnivore. So I decided to just stick to beef, salt, water, and fat. Within 3-4 weeks, my pelvic floor was completely healed. No pain, no pressure, and all the other embarrassing issues surrounding this problem just went away.


Success With Carnivore Diet After Failed Attempts With Keto And IF


My skin issues completely cleared, and I noticed that I was not hungry. I rarely thought about food, my sleep was much deeper, my digestive problems subsided significantly, and I went from 4-5 times a day to 1-2.


I’ve lost about 15 lbs, but I think the biggest benefit so far is I’m HIGHLY aware of what is happening with my body. I can listen to its queues crystal clear, and to me, that’s a privilege. Thank you for taking the time to hear my story. I have lots more to tell.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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2 thoughts on “JL healed her prolapsed pelvic floor on a carnivore diet”

  1. you had pelvic floor dysfunction? constipation from dyssynergia? that is what i have and im doing carnivore now- my bowel movements before carnivore were never hard, just constant need to keep going thinner and thinner each time, using my finger because my contractions/ability to feel urge to push would go away and it would get stuck and just sit in my lower left colon and cause pain all day every day until i passed it- sometimes it was gas.

  2. Hi JL

    Would you mind sharing what kind of prolapse(s) and what stage it was at when you started the carnivore diet?
    I just need some encouragement.

    Thank you.

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