Jessalyn improved acne, constipation, weight gain, and mood swings on a carnivore diet


My name is Jessalyn. I have been on Carnivore since January 2020.


Previous Health Issues


Before I found this way of eating, I suffered from chronic constipation (only going poop about once every three to four weeks for almost 19 years of my life). I tried eating more fiber, but that did not help. Eventually, I went gluten-free, and that helped slightly, but I was still constipated, couldn’t lose weight, and had acne.


Due to my gut issues, I had an awful immune system and often got sick. I could not lose weight no matter how often I worked out, and my perpetually bloated stomach hurt to the touch.


Positive Changes After Carnivore


After Carnivore, I lost about 20 lbs of fat, my skin cleared up, and I haven’t been sick once (not even COVID and I moved to an entirely different country last year because my husband got stationed in Japan).


The most surprising change, though, is the mental health benefits I have seen since being Carnivore. I suffered from extreme mood swings, anger issues, and frequent anxiety attacks. Anger and mood swings are very common in my family, so I always assumed my mental issues were genetic and uncontrollable. However, eating meat miraculously chilled me out and has helped stabilize my mood.


There have been other things that Carnivore has helped as well, such as my PMS. I used to get such bad cramps that I would shake uncontrollably and throw up from the pain. Now I barely get cramps. 


My vision has also improved since eating Carnivore, and I had to get a new prescription since my old one was too strong. I have less body odor and no longer wake up with awful morning breath.


Current Progress and Conclusion


I am currently gaining weight, as I love working out and have been putting on muscle. 


I still have healing to do, but Carnivore has completely changed my life and literally turned me into a different person.


Thank you,



Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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