Trudi healed her severe anemia on a carnivore diet

Trudi’s Health Struggles


Trudi struggled with her physical and mental health for most of her life. She suffered from chronic inflammation, which eventually led to acute pancreatitis and landed her in the hospital. She was severely anemic and had to supplement with iron tablets to be able to function.


Temporary Solution: Gastric Bypass Surgery


“I was always overly emotional,” Trudi shares. “As an adult, I had to establish coping mechanisms to keep my emotions in check. However, there was always a cloud over me, which contributed to me gaining weight.” Trudi describes her anxiety as a constant struggle that loomed over her life.


She reached her highest weight of 306 pounds and underwent gastric bypass surgery. “It was just a temporary fix,” Trudi says of the surgery, and she struggled to get her weight below 200 pounds.


Trying Different Diets with No Long-Term Success


Trudi’s inflammation increased in her forties, resulting in arthritis and sciatic nerve pain. She also developed IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), making it harder for her to enjoy an active lifestyle.


Switching to a vegan diet worsened her anemia, and her energy levels dropped so low that she could no longer climb stairs. “I wondered why nothing was working,” she recalls. “I was doing all the right things and fasting, but there I was in the hospital with pancreatitis. It was crazy and frustrating!”


Trudi remembers feeling bloated and sick most of the time. She constantly tried different diets and protocols, but nothing worked for long.


A Meat-Based Diet: Trudi’s Turnaround


After a weight loss stall on keto, Trudi committed to a meat-based diet during World Carnivore Month in January. “I noticed the other foods I was eating didn’t give me the satiety that meat did.”


Trudi enjoys intermittent fasting and chooses a large ribeye with butter for her main meal or a stack of burger patties and cheddar cheese. For variety, she’ll include bacon, sausage, and eggs.


Incredible Benefits of the Carnivore Diet for Trudi


Trudi has witnessed some incredible changes since switching to a carnivore diet. Most notably, she is free from all symptoms of anemia and has the energy to work out at the gym several days a week with no back or joint pain.


“There was so much inflammation that I didn’t even know I was carrying!” Focusing on nutrient-dense meat has helped Trudi shed 70 pounds, and her body can absorb iron better, healing her chronic anemia. Her IBS and bloating are gone, too! “I’m happy not to be making three meals a day, and I’m not constantly worrying about food 24/7!”


Perhaps most importantly, Trudi enjoys a true sense of mental clarity and emotional stability. Her anxiety is gone, and she can focus on other priorities now that she is in better health. “I finally have control over my emotions,” she reveals. “I can separate what is important to me. I get up in the morning and feel good about being alive!”


Trudi is thrilled to be a member of the Carnivore.Diet community and hopes that more people will hear about the many benefits of a carnivore diet.


“It’s so important for all of us to take ownership of our bodies and minds and become our own experts,” Trudi asserts. “People need to know that this way of eating exists because it can greatly improve their quality of life!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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